CON Supplemental Compensation Plan

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Supplemental Compensation Plan Subsection: Appendix D
Section - Information Originating Date: November, 1987
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Executive Council
Revised: October, 1998
Revised: September, 1999
Revised: December, 2002
J:/RESOURCE MANUAL/Table of Contents College of Nursing Resource Manual


The College of Nursing Supplemental Compensation Plan is adopted pursuant to the Board of Regents Policy Authorizing the Establishment of Supplemental Compensation Plans (appended). The definitions, guidelines and requirements stated in the Regents' policy apply to this plan. This plan includes additional requirements, limitations and restrictions, as permitted by the Regents' policy. This plan shall be effective and compensation will be determined from the beginning of the 1987-88 fiscal year.

Section 1.      Authorization.

Authorization for the College of Nursing Supplemental Compensation Plan is the Board of Regents Policy Authorizing the establishment of Supplemental Compensation Plans at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Section 2.      Purpose.

The purpose of the Regents' policy is to authorize the establishment of a supplemental compensation plan within the College of Nursing for the benefit of members of the eligible academic staff of the College, and to prescribe the fundamental guidelines and requirements of such supplemental compensation plan.

Section 3.      Definitions.

3.1      Base University Salary.  Text here

3.2      Eligible Academic Staff Memeber.  Text here

3.3      Participating Staff Member.  Text here

Section 4.      Requirements for Supplemental Compensation Plan.

4.1      Participation in This Supplemental Compensation Plan.  Text here

4.2      Components of Total University Compensation Under the Supplemental Compensation Plan.  Text here

4.3      Sources of Funds for Supplemental Compensation Plan.  Text here

4.4      Determination of Supplemental Compensation.  Text here

4.5      Maximum Supplemental Salary.  Text here

4.6      Participation Voluntary.  Text here

4.7      Withdrawal from the Plan.  Text here

Section 5.      Accountability and Administration.

5.1      General.  The Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance and the Dean shall be responsible for the proper administration of the College of Nursing Supplemental Compensation Plan. Standard University policies and procedures for billing, receipting, purchasing and payroll shall be observed in administering this plan. Supplemental compensation to participating staff members will be disbursed using the normal payroll procedures and paid on a monthly basis. The University will not assess an administrative fee as long as the plan is administered in accordance with University policies and procedures. The Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance shall from time to time review and audit this supplemental compensation plan for conformance with University policies and procedures.

An annual report of the activities of this supplemental compensation plan shall be made to the Chancellor, or at such shorter intervals as he or she may request.

5.2      Establishment of Plan Account and Departmental/Division Subaccounts.  The Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance shall establish a separate University account for the College of Nursing Supplemental Compensation Plan, which shall be subdivided into separate subaccounts for each department/division of the College. Monies received from the sources permitted in Section 4.3 of this plan shall be credited to each departmental/division subaccount of the plan as appropriate.

5.3      Disbursements.  Disbursements of supplemental compensation, any reduction in supplemental compensation and final settlement of supplemental compensation for each participating staff member shall be made in accordance with Section 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.8 of the Board of Regents Policy Authorizing Establishment of Supplemental Compensation Plans, as applicable, and this plan.

5.4      Procedure for Approval of Terms of Employment Agreements.  The procedure for approval of the Supplemental Compensation Plan - Terms of Employment Agreement shall be as follows:

  1. The eligible academic staff member and department chairperson/division assistant dean will annually negotiate a Supplemental Compensation Plan - Terms of Employment Agreement (SCP-TEA). Individuals who report directly to the Dean will negotiate with the Dean for their supplemental compensation agreement.
  2. The chairperson/assistant dean will submit the signed SCP-TEA to the Dean's office for approval.
  3. The Dean's office will review, amend as necessary, and approve each eligible academic staff member's annual SCP-TEA.

5.5      Business Office Procedures.  Each business office shall accomplish the following in connection with each SCP-TEA:

  1. A Personnel Action Form (PAF) will be submitted with each SCP-TEA or when the SCP-TEA is modified because there are not adequate funds in the subaccount to pay the full approved supplemental compensation.
  2. Supplemental compensation will be coded as such in the appointment block of the PAF.
  3. The business office will prepare necessary accounting entries for each SCP-TEA.

Section 6.      Benefits.

6.1      General.  Benefits to be provided to participating staff members under this supplemental compensation plan shall be limited to salary supplements and supplemental retirement benefits. Other supplemental compensation benefits described in the Regents' policy authorizing this plan are not included and will not be paid to participating staff members.

6.2      Supplemental Retirement Benefits and Contributions.  Subject to the availability of funds in the appropriate departmental/division subaccount, supplemental retirement benefits will be provided to participating staff members in accordance with Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents through payments made from the appropriate account of the Plan, departmental/division subaccount of the Plan not to exceed an amount determined by applying the prevailing percentage of employer (University) contribution paid on account of the participating staff member's base University salary to the total supplementary salary paid to the participating staff member. For example, if the prevailing percentage of the employer (University) contribution is 7% of the participating staff member's base University salary and the total supplemental salary paid is $7,000.00, then the maximum supplemental retirement benefit is $490.00. Further, each participating staff member shall contribute a portion of his or her supplemental salary to his or her retirement account in accordance with the rate established by the Board of Regents pursuant to Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents.

6.3      Other Supplemental Benefits.  Other supplemental benefits which may be provided to participating staff members under a supplemental compensation plan are as follows:

  1. Professional society dues.
  2. Travel to educational meetings or schools for enhancement of professional knowledge and skills.
  3. Support for sabbatical leave in lieu of, or in addition to, support provided by the University or other sources.
  4. Other professional expenses as allowed within University guidelines.