College of Medicine:Assessment of Teaching Policy
At the conclusion of each block or clerkship, course/rotation directors, phase directors, and the Associate Dean of Medical Education review faculty evaluations, faculty developed content/examination questions, informal feedback, information from anonymous surveys administered by the COM, and/or faculty members' assessments of students. Those faculty members that repeatedly receive an average rating of < 3.0 on Likert-style items, numerous repeated negative comments on evaluations or through any of the above methods, repeatedly author examination questions that have poor psychometric performance despite counseling, or score students on clinical performance evaluations in a substantially different manner than their peers on average may be subject to remedial action. Block and clerkship directors meet with these faculty members to identify potential methods of improvement and develop a plan for remediation in cooperation with the Associate Dean for Medical Education. These actions may include:
- One-on-one review of developed materials with the director
- Peer review of recorded or live teaching with feedback
- Referral to a relevant College or campus-wide faculty development activities
- Provision of a mentor in cooperation with the UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators
- Identification of off-campus faculty development activities
Completion of suggested activities is monitored by the block or clerkship director, with reporting to the Associate Dean of Medical Education. The above data from faculty members’ subsequent teaching is reviewed for evidence of improvement. Lack of improvement despite remediation or not taking part in suggested activities may result in a faculty member not being asked to subsequently participate in that teaching activity.
Reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee: 09/24/24