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Home   Student Policies                    

Transfer of Graduate Courses Subsection: 5.3.9
Section 5.0 - Students Originating Date: November, 2010
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Professional Graduate Nursing Program Admission, Progression, Graduation and Scholarship Committee;
Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Revised: April, 2012
Reviewed: November, 2012
J:/RESOURCE MANUAL/Table of Contents College of Nursing Resource Manual


  1. Purpose:
    This policy outlines the procedure for the transfer of courses and academic credit from other institutions of higher education to UNMC College of Nursing. The purpose is to transfer comparable course work to the UNMC professional graduate nursing program.
  2. Established transfer courses:
    Courses that are routinely accepted from other institutions of higher education, i.e. statistics, will be maintained on a list of approved courses that will be updated every 3 years by Student Services. Faculty with graduate status in the area of concentration in which the student is requesting credit can approve or make a recommendation to the Associate Dean.
  3. Non established courses:
    Students applying for transfer courses must use the following procedure in order to assure acceptance of the course within the professional graduate nursing program of study.
    1. Students should talk to their advisors first about requesting a transfer of a course and course credits.
    2. Students need to provide their advisors a course description of the course they want to transfer from the institution from which they took the course.
    3. Additional material, such as a syllabus or student project, is required both prior to taking a course to be transferred and after taking a course that requested for transfer.
    4. The student should write a letter requesting that the course be accepted for transfer.
    5. The course being requested for transfer must also be accompanied by a transcript showing the grade received, date the course was taken and the credits awarded for the course if already completed.

    If a course is not one of the courses routinely accepted as listed in the approved list of frequently transferred courses, the advisor may either accept the course or request that the course be evaluated by the instructor for the parallel course offered by the CON. Pathophysiology should be evaluated by the current course instructor. Pharmacology should be evaluated by the current course instructor. If requested, the course instructor will review the material and send a recommendation to the advisor. The advisor will send a recommendation to the chair of the Professional Graduate Nursing Program Admission, Progression, Graduation & Scholarship Committee (PGNPAPGSC) with supporting documentation and a brief note on the comparability of the course work. If transfer is recommended, the PGNPAPGSC members will review and vote via consent agenda. Following PGNPAPGSC approval, a recommendation is submitted to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs for final approval.

  4. All courses presented for transfer must meet the Graduate College policy that all coursework for the master’s degree must be completed within 5 years prior to graduation.