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Home   Student Policies                    

Graduate Grading System Subsection: 5.4.3
Section 5.0 - Students Originating Date: September, 2012
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
PhD Affairs Council
Revised: April, 2012
Revised: February, 2013 (PGNPA)


  1. Grade guidelines for all College of Nursing professional graduate courses.

    The percentage system used to award grades within the College of Nursing is the following:

    A+   98-100   D+   68-69
    A   93-97   D   63-67
    A-   90-92   D-   60-62
    B+   88-89   F   below 60
    B   83-87        
    B-   80-82        
    C+   78-79        
    C   73-77        
    C-   70-72        

    Quality points are calculated according to the following system:

    Grade   Quality Points   Grade   Quality Points
    A+ & A   4.0   C   2.00
    A-   3.67   C-   1.67
    B+   3.33   D+   1.33
    B   3.00   D   1.00
    B-   2.67   D-   0.67
    C+   2.33   F   0.00
  2. Grades of Incomplete are to designate incomplete work in a course and will be used in extenuating circumstances such as illness, military service, hardship or death in family.
  3. Grades of Incomplete are given when student has already completed substantial requirements in the course.
  4. Grades of Incomplete must be completed in one semester after they have been awarded or the grade of Incomplete will revert to a grade of F.
  5. The course instructor, or in the absence of the instructor, the specialty coordinator, shall supervise the completion of the course work and removal of the incomplete to a course grade.
  6. If the incomplete is in a course that is a prerequisite for another, the student may not progress until the incomplete is removed.
  7. Student Services will run a query each semester to monitor student progression. They will notify the student advisor of failure to meet grade expectations of a 3.0 or above. Please see Policy 5.3.11 for progression of the student.