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UNMC Code of Conduct

The mission of the University of Nebraska Medical Center is to improve the health of Nebraska through premier educational programs, innovative research, the highest quality patient care, and outreach to underserved populations.

UNMC has a reputation of integrity and excellence in teaching, research and patient care. To maintain this reputation, UNMC expects all faculty, staff and students to conform to the highest ethical standards and meet all legal obligations in the performance of their duties. This Code of Conduct applies to all UNMC faculty, staff and students (hereinafter “UNMC Community”) and guides them in carrying out daily activities within appropriate ethical and legal standards. The Code reflects the values of UNMC and may be modified to address changes in culture, as well as changes in the regulatory environment.

Professional and Ethical Conduct. Professional and ethical conduct must be shown in all relationships. Professionalism is fostered by a supportive climate emphasizing respect and dignity. The UNMC Community should strive to create an environment characterized by:

  • avoidance of and no tolerance for harassment, threats, intimidations, physical, verbal, or written (including electronic) abuse;
  • respect for individual and cultural differences in race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities;
  • openness in communication;
  • honest, respectful and fair dealing within the UNMC community, and with external customers, suppliers, competitors, and other entities;
  • truthful and positive feedback with constructive, corrective feedback in a private setting whenever possible;
  • assignment of duties and tasks that promote professional development;
  • performance of duties and assignments in an exemplary manner;
  • an emphasis on solving problems and modifying systems, not blaming people;
  • no tolerance for cheating, fabricating, falsifying, plagiarizing, or inappropriately communicating research, academic, or clinical information.

Leadership Responsibilities. While all members of the UNMC Community are obligated to follow this Code of Conduct, leaders set the example, to be in every respect a model. Teachers and supervisors should provide instruction, guidance, and leadership. Leadership involves helping others to achieve their highest levels of performance, discerning those who need individual assistance, and then facilitating improvement. Similarly, the teacher or supervisor can expect the student or employee to make the necessary investment of energy and intellect to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills concomitant with being a competent professional.

Compliance. All members of the UNMC Community are expected to understand and comply with laws and regulations related to their duties and University of Nebraska and UNMC policies and procedures. UNMC has an obligation to provide education to Community members so they understand their responsibilities. Areas of regulatory responsibility applicable to UNMC may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Civil rights;
  • Health and safety in the workplace;
  • Grants and contracts;
  • Conflict of interest;
  • Scientific misconduct;
  • Protection of human and animal subjects in research;
  • Employment, including wage and hour, disabilities and immigration laws;
  • Confidentiality of student, patient and other proprietary information;
  • Protection of intellectual property such as patents, trademarks and copyright;
  • Publication of scholarly work and authorship;
  • Information technology and security.

Report conduct that concerns you: If you have questions regarding this Code or encounter any situation which you believe violates provisions of this Code, you should immediately consult your supervisor or academic advisor, another member of your department, the Human Resources Department or the Chief Student Affairs Officer, the Compliance Officer at 559-6767, the Nebraska Ombudsman’s office at 1-800-742-7690, or the UNMC Compliance Hot Line at 1-866-568-5430. Reports to the Compliance Hotline may be made anonymously. There will be no retribution for asking questions or raising concerns about the Code or reporting possible improper conduct. Individuals shall not intentionally make false allegations.

Abide by this Code of Conduct policy. The integrity and reputation of UNMC is diminished when any of these standards is violated. All allegations of violations of the Code of Conduct will be thoroughly and appropriately investigated, without exception, and corrective action will be taken consistent with the circumstances. UNMC Community members who violate the Code of Conduct may be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment or academic disciplinary action, including dismissal.

For additional information, contact the Compliance Officer/Privacy Officer.

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