CON Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization

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Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization Subsection: 4.1.8
Section 4.0 - Faculty Originating Date: March 1983
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee
Faculty Coordinating Council
General Faculty Organization
Revised: January 1999
Revised: May 2000
Revised: February 2004
Revised: February 2005
Revised: April 2006
Revised: September 2007
Revised: September 2008
Revised: December 2008
Revised: May 2010
Revised: August 2011
Revised: November 2011
Revised: April 2012
Revised: October 2014
Revised: May 2016

1.    Purpose:

The overall purpose of the Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee is to assure that the Master of Science in Nursing and the Doctor in Nursing Practice programs are of high quality.

2.    Function:

The Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee provides leadership and governance to insure the quality of the program. The committee functions include:

  1. Establish a set of criteria and policies to be utilized by graduate faculty regarding the admission, progression, and graduation of professional graduate nursing program students. Approval of policies will be determined by vote of faculty with graduate status.
  2. Plan, monitor, and approve professional graduate nursing program courses and curricula and make recommendations for change to the CON Graduate Faculty. Approval of recommendations will be determined by vote of faculty with graduate status.
  3. Collaborate with graduate faculty to make recommendations regarding the admission of applicants in accordance with admission criteria.
  4. Review professional graduate nursing policies and procedures on a regular basis and make recommendations for change to the CON Graduate Faculty as necessary. Approval of policies will be determined by vote of faculty with graduate status
  5. Review and recommend requested graduate level courses from other institutions of higher education for transfer of academic credit to the UNMC College of Nursing.
  6. Review and recommend implementation of DNP project proposals.
  7. Appoint task force members, as necessary, to analyze specific professional graduate concerns or issues in order to facilitate the work of the committee.
  8. Recommend the list of candidates for approval for candidacy and graduation.
  9. Review professional graduate student grade appeals and disciplinary action. Determine appropriate course of action; and submit committee recommendations and reports to all appropriate parties in accordance with written procedures and as stipulated by the Nebraska Board of Regents.
  10. Award scholarships to professional graduate students according to established criteria, policies and procedures following process guidelines in Appendix Q.
  11. Develop and implement regular, ongoing formal evaluation and quality improvement processes for professional graduate courses and specialty tracks in accordance with the CON evaluation plan.
  12. Evaluate professional graduate outcomes in accordance with the CON evaluation plan and make recommendations for improvements as needed.

3.    Committee Membership:

Members will have graduate faculty status with a doctoral degree. There will be nine members. Five members of the committee must be advanced practice registered nurses. Four members will be elected at large.

4.    General Committee Membership Guidelines:

  1. There will be a minimum of eight members on the committee with voting eligibility.
  2. The committee will elect a chair by majority vote each year in the summer or fall.
  3. The committee will elect a co-chair by majority vote each year in the summer or fall.
  4. The co-chair will succeed the chair the following year.
  5. Members shall serve for a term of three years.
  6. Members cannot serve for more than two consecutive terms.

5.    Committee Memberships (Ex-officio and Non-Voting) are as follows:

  1. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs
  2. Director of the DNP Program
  3. Director of the PhD Program
  4. Student representative
  5. Director of Evaluation
  6. Director of Student Services
  7. Student Services Graduate Coordinator

6.    Meeting Guidelines:

  1. The committee will meet monthly during the academic year.
  2. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson.
  3. The committee will vote on all major and minor issues related to quality of the curricula including:
    1. Recommendations for changes in mission statement, philosophy, organizing framework, and goals of the program.
    2. Recommendations for changes to the general design of the curriculum.
    3. Recommendations for changes to program competency domains, course descriptions, and objectives.
    4. Recommendations to changes in credit allocation, prerequisites, and sequencing of courses.
    5. Recommendations regarding transfer of courses.