CON Faculty Practice Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization

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Faculty Practice Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization Subsection: 4.1.10
Section 4.0 - Rules of the Faculty Organization Originating Date: October, 1998
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Faculty Practice Committee;

Faculty Coordinating Council;

General Faculty Organization
Revised: January, 1999
Revised: May, 2001
Revised: April, 2006
Revised: January, 2008
Revised: February, 2009
Revised: May, 2010
Revised: November, 2011
Revised: October, 2012
J:/RESOURCE MANUAL/Table of Contents College of Nursing Resource Manual

1.    Purpose:

The purpose of the Faculty Practice Committee is to stimulate interest and involvement of faculty members in practice, assist faculty in the integration of clinical practice into the academician’s role, and support faculty in attaining and maintaining quality in practice endeavors in order to facilitate College of Nursing goals.

2.    Functions:

3.    Membership:

4.    Guidelines:

  1. Meetings will be held each month during the academic year.
  2. All elected members shall have voting privileges

1 Faculty practice shall be defined as an arrangement for provision of professional nursing services to individuals, families, populations, or systems wherein the faculty member is ultimately responsible for outcomes and demonstrates a commitment to scholarly activity.

Bylaws changed to Rules of the Faculty Organization – November, 2011