CON Undergraduate Academic Review Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization

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Home   Faculty Policies                    

Undergraduate Academic Review Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization Subsection: 4.1.6
Section 4.0 - Faculty Policies Originating Date: April 2006
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Undergraduate Academic Review Committee
Faculty Coordinating Council
General Faculty Organization

Related Documents:
Revised: October 2006
Revised: March 2007
Revised: March 2009
Revised: May 2010
Revised: November 2011
Revised: February 2013
Revised: May 2015
Revised: May 2022

1.    Purpose:

The purpose of the Academic Review Committee is to provide the mechanism for formal student appeal of a grade or a disciplinary action prior to the implementation of the proposed action as specified in the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska (Amended May 30, 2014). An appeal is heard by a hearing board comprised of faculty and student members of this committee.

2.    Functions:

    a.   Review submitted written appeals and determine appropriate course of action.
    b.   Hear the appeal of the student who believes the evaluation of his/her academic progress has been prejudicial or capricious, or who wishes to appeal the disciplinary charge(s) prior to proposed disciplinary action.
    c.   Provide information to students, faculty, and administration about the appeal process procedures and guidelines.
    d.   Make a decision on the appeal.
    e.   Submit the report and conclusions of the committee in writing to the Dean, the student, and the faculty involved. Submit the decision on the appeal to the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Undergraduate Program Director, or Division Assistant Dean, course coordinator, and faculty member.
    f.   Review Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska and related procedures yearly.

3.    Membership:

    a.   All members of the General Faculty Organization who are .50 FTE or greater are equally eligible for membership. Neither the Dean of the College of Nursing, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Undergraduate Program Director, Division Assistant Deans or Director for Student Services shall sit on this committee.
    b.   One (1) representative and one (1) alternate (to cover in case of a conflict of interest) from each Division will be chosen by lot by the FCC representative for each Division in the spring semester at the same time faculty elections are held. This is a two (2) year term.
Omaha   even years
West Nebraska   even years
Lincoln   odd years
Kearney   odd years
Northern   odd years
    c.   A pool of undergraduate students, who are in good standing, will be selected at the beginning of each academic year and asked to volunteer for the committee; two (2) students from semester one and semester three on each campus for a total of four (4) per division. If a conflict of interest exists, an alternate will be selected by the division representative to FCC.
    d.   Names of committee members are submitted by the Dean to the Chancellor’s Office at the beginning of the fall semester.
    e.   The Chairperson shall be elected for a one (1) year term by the committee members. Previous committee experience is a preferred qualification for the committee Chair. If the Chairperson is involved in the appeal, an alternate appointment will be made by the Chairperson of the General Faculty Organization for that specific appeal.

4.    Guidelines:

    a.   The immediate past committee Chairperson or members of the prior hearing board shall advise the current Chairperson.
    b.   The Director of Undergraduate Program will serve as a consultant in procedural matters.
Upon receiving the student’s written appeal, the committee Chairperson shall:
1)   Notify faculty committee members that an appeal has been filed.
2)   Choose faculty to serve on the hearing board. Faculty on the committee cannot serve on the hearing board in these situations:
    a)   Committee member is an involved party in a grade appeal
    b)   Committee member is teaching in the same course on the same campus in which the appeal originates
    c)   Committee member is from the same campus in which a disciplinary action appeal originates
3)   Notify the student representative that an appeal has been filed.
    a)   In the case of a grade appeal, the student representative will be from the Division from which the appeal originates and will have successfully completed the course under appeal.
    b)   In the case of a disciplinary action appeal, the student representative will be from a Division other than that from which the appeal originates.
4)   Notify the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, the Undergraduate Program Director, Division Assistant Dean, course coordinator, and involved faculty that the Academic Review Committee has been placed on call or activated.
    d.   Meet on call by Chairperson to consider any appeal submitted.
    e.   Refer to Academic and Professional Performance Policies in the UNMC Student Handbook and refer involved faculty to these materials and any others relevant to the formal appeal process.
    f.   Refer to the CON Guidelines for Handling Student Appeals of Academic Evaluations Procedural Flow Sheet (Appendix N) or CON Undergraduate Disciplinary Action Committee Procedural Flow Sheet (Appendix K).

Bylaws changed to Rules of the Faculty Organization – November, 2011