CON Syllabus Templates

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Syllabus Templates Subsection: Appendix X
Appendix - Appendices Originating Date: May 2015
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee
PhD Affairs Council
Revised: May 2016
Revised: May 2017
Revised: May 2022
Reference: Policy 4.3.3

Per College of Nursing Policy 4.3.3, each course must have a syllabus and follow the College of Nursing syllabus template outline . A Policy Addendum will be considered part of the syllabus packet. In addition, undergraduate traditional track Division Specific Addendum can be included as necessary for division specific information. Grading rubrics will also be considered part of the syllabus.

  1. A Policy Addendum containing all pertinent policies for a program level will be referred to in all course syllabi.
  2. An undergrade traditional track course may have a division addendum to the syllabus. The purpose of the division addendum is to provide additional, supplemental materials that are specific for the course for a particular division if needed.
  3. PhD program syllabi must follow the guidelines and template provided by UNMC Graduate Studies.
  4. Evaluation methods/percentages should be included in course syllabi. Grading criteria (rubrics) should be included in either syllabi, addenda, grading documents and/or Canvas and are considered part of the syllabus. Use standardized formatting on all syllabi to meet best practices for accessibility standards, including the following: a) black font size 11 or 12 and b) 1-inch margins.

Component Notes
1. Branding - UNMC Logo, CON Logo header Standard, Provided
2. Course Number Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
3. Course Title Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
4. Term Standard, Provided
5. Year Standard, Provided
6. Credit Allocation Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
7. Course Description Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
8. Pre- Co- requisites Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
9. Instructors/ Course Coordinators / Guest Speakers/ Clinical Standard, Varies, At the undergraduate level, only course coordinators from each division be listed, with the remainder of the course faculty listed in the Division Specific Addendum.
a. Title / Role  
b. Division / Affiliation  
c. Office #, Location  
d. Office Phone  
e. Email  
f. Office Hours  
10. General Course Format Standard, Varies, Use recommended terminology found in the Nursing Enrichment site
a. Program  
b. Online/F2F Info.  
c. Synchronous, Asynchronous  
d. Clinical  
11. Course/Clinical Textbooks & Resources (Materials, Equipment, Technology) (required only) Standard APA format, Required, Either in syllabus or Division Specific Addendum
12. Course Website Standard, Varies
13. Course Learning Competencies/Outcomes/Objectives, Standards, and Evaluation Methods table Standard, Provided, Evaluation Methods added by faculty
14. Teaching and Learning Strategies Varies – faculty updated, use recommended terminology
15. Course Calendar/Class schedule/Assignment Varies, in Canvas, in Syllabus, in Division Specific Addendum, in a separate document Faculty should follow Table Format listed in a), b), and c)
a. Class meeting days, time, location  
b. Course Assignments Class/Date, topic, Reading Assignment, Class Activity, Learning Objectives  
c. For undergraduate (traditional and accelerated), the concepts and exemplars should also be listed.  
16. Course Policies A statement would be included that refers students to the Policy Addendum
17. Class Expectations General recommendations by program that could be included in the Nursing Enrichment site?
a. Email Communication  
b. Telephone Messages  
c. Names and Pronouns  
d. Attendance  
e. Participation Etiquette and Contributions (to class work/discussion)  
f. (Timely) Assignment submissions due dates / Late Work  
g. (Timely) Grading  
h. Instructor Feedback  
18. Grading Rubrics Completed by faculty, found in the syllabus, division specific addendum, a separate grading rubrics addendum, and/or in Canvas

Division Specific Addendum Components

Component Notes
1. Branding - UNMC Logo, CON Logo header Standard, Provided
2. Course Number Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
3. Course Title Standard, Required, Changed by Curriculum Committee
4. Term Standard, Provided
5. Year Standard, Provided
6. Instructors/ Course Coordinators / Guest Speakers/ Clinical Specific instructors on each division if not included in the syllabus
7. Course/Clinical Textbooks & Resources (Materials, Equipment, Technology) (required only) Standard APA format, if different on various divisions
8. Course Calendar/Class schedule/Assignment If differs by division
a. Class meeting days, time, location  
b. Course Assignments Class/Date, topic, Reading Assignment, Class Activity, Learning Objectives  
9. Class Expectations If differs by division
10. Grading Rubrics If differs by division