CON Technical Standards for Graduate Program

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Home   Student Policies                    

Technical Standards for Professional Graduate Nursing Program Subsection: 5.3.1
Section 5.0 - Student Policies Originating Date: May 1982
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee

Final Approving Agency:
General Faculty Organization (Graduate status faculty only)
Revised: February 1987
Reviewed: December 1998
Reviewed: October 2008
Revised: July 2012
Revised: May 2016
Reviewed: January 2017
Revised: November 2023 (changes)
Related Documents:


The College of Nursing is in compliance with the Policy for Americans with Disabilities as stipulated by the Board of Regents in RP 3.1.2.

All applicants to the professional graduate nursing program must hold an unencumbered license to practice nursing. In addition, the general abilities listed below have been identified as necessary to meet the technical standards for admission and progression in the program. These general abilities will be evaluated throughout the program:

  1. Intellect. The educational goals are focused on the recall or recognition of knowledge and the development of intellectual abilities and skills. The nursing student participating in these educational goals must have the ability to reason, problem solve, conceptualize, analyze, synthesize and evaluate.
  2. Psychomotor. The student must possess sufficient manipulative and motor skills to carry out the usual technical skills customarily considered when describing nursing functions, but also includes purposeful, precise movements of the individual. Furthermore, precise movements are needed to perform more complex nursing skills required in certain aspects of the professional graduate nursing program. Since the program emphasizes clinical nursing specialties, complex nursing skills are an integral part of the program.
  3. Assessment. In order to independently and accurately assess a client, the student must possess the functional use of the senses of sight, smell, hearing and touch.
  4. Communication. The student must possess communication skills in order to assess, plan, and deliver effective and therapeutic care to clients/families. The student must be able to communicate effectively to members of the health care team.
  5. Behavioral and social attributes. The educational goals include changes in interest, attitudes, values and the development of appreciations and adequate adjustment. The student must be able to demonstrate stability and good judgment, adapt to change, be flexible and learn to function in stressful situations. The student should show empathy, integrity, compassion and concern for others. This program requires the student to examine differing values and to formulate more clearly personal values. The applicant to this program must be able to weigh the rights of the individual against the rights of society for a safe and competent nurse practitioner.

Students with disabilities must follow the procedures for special accommodations.

  1. The student will be evaluated by the Counseling and Student Development Center at UNMC, or UNMC’s designee, for official declaration of the specific accommodations required.
  2. The faculty may not grant accommodations to students without this official declaration.