Strategic Planning Committee

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Strategic Planning Committee Subsection: 3.3.1
Section 3.0 - Rules of the Faculty Organization Originating Date: July, 2003
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Executive Council
Revised: January, 2008
J:/RESOURCE MANUAL/Table of Contents College of Nursing Resource Manual


The Strategic Planning Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Council. The purpose of the committee is to develop the annual CON Strategic Plan and ensure coordination of the CON Strategic Plan with the UNMC Strategic Plan.


  1. Members of the Strategic Planning Committee are all members of the Executive Council, the Faculty Coordinating Council and other faculty or staff representatives (appointed by the Dean at the advice of the Executive Council).
  2. The Dean or dean designee serves as the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee.


The Strategic Planning Committee usually meets for a day long retreat, usually the Friday of the first full work week in January to draft the new Strategic Plan for the College of Nursing.

A draft of the strategic plan (each Critical Success Factor) from retreat is due to the Dean two weeks after the retreat.

A follow-up strategic planning meeting is scheduled one month after retreat - - all members should make every effort to attend.

The strategic plan for the new year should be placed on the April General Faculty agenda for endorsement.