CON Peer Feedback for Teaching Mission

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Peer Feedback for Teaching Mission Subsection: 4.2.9
Section 4.0 - Faculty Policies/Guidelines Originating Date: June 2024
Responsible Reviewing/Approving Agency:
Executive Council
Related Documents:


The purposes of peer feedback for the teaching missions are the following:

  • Afford faculty an evaluation from a peer or peers on role performance for continuous improvement.
  • Provide data from peers for supervisor evaluation of faculty, including the annual evaluation.
  • Allow for promotion and tenure or triggered post-tenure review.


This policy applies to all faculty.


  1. A faculty member serving as a peer evaluator should have at least 5 years of teaching experience and be outside of the course you teach. They may join your class via zoom or in class to observe. They may also be included in observing a faculty in the simulation lab areas, or in the clinical setting if appropriate. This will be done every other year. The faculty member and supervisor jointly choose the peer reviewer.
  2. The Interprofessional Academy of Educator’s (IAE) Peer Feedback on Teaching for Health Professions Lectures Form will be used to evaluate a faculty member in the area of teaching. This form is used to provide feedback and is not used to provide a grade or score for the faculty’s performance. The IAE Peer Feedback form is linked in related documents.
  3. Once the faculty has received the feedback on the IAE Peer Feedback Form, the faculty will identify and provide feedback on suggestions for self-improvement based on peer feedback. This will be used in the current year’s annual evaluation. The next year the faculty is not required to solicit peer feedback. The year that no peer feedback form is required can be the year that faculty incorporate any new changes or improvements into the course that they are teaching.
  4. Each assistant dean will determine the year that a faculty has a peer evaluation for the upcoming evaluation year. This will ensure that not all faculty are on the same peer evaluation schedule. The assistant dean also may ask a faculty to have a peer evaluation each year if they are new to teaching. This will be done on an individual basis.
  5. As part of the education specific continuing education metric, if the faculty wants to use the CNE Certification Exam and studying for the exam during the evaluation year as a recommendation from their peer evaluation, they may do so one time. They will use the following year to execute study preparation and sitting for the CNE exam. At the following annual evaluation period, they will receive a rating of 4 on the peer evaluation and continuing education metrics If they take and pass the CNE exam the following evaluation year. This automatic rating of a 4 can only be used 1 time.