CON Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization

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Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization Subsection: 4.1.5
Section 4.0 - Faculty Policies Originating Date: October 1980
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Faculty Coordinating Council

Approving Agency:
General Faculty Organization

Related Documents:
Appendix Y Request for Change in Course Concepts and Exemplars
Revised: January 1999
Revised: April 2006
Revised: May 2007
Revised: October 2008
Revised: November 2009
Revised: May 2010
Revised: November 2011
Reviewed: November 2012
Revised: May 2016 (changes)
Revised: May 2017 (changes)
Revised: October 2023 (changes)

1.    Purpose:

The purpose of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UGCC) is to assure that the curriculum of the nursing program is of high quality; that it meets the standards of approval and accrediting bodies; and that the intent of the mission statement, philosophy, organizing framework, and goals of the program are implemented.

2.    Functions:

    a.   Plan, modify and evaluate undergraduate nursing curricula (traditional and accelerated Baccalaureate or BSN Program and RN-BSN program) including pre- and co-requisite courses and submit recommendations for change to the General Faculty Organization.
    b.   Systematically evaluate the general education and professional education requirements for the curriculum.
    c.   Appoint task forces/ad hoc faculty groups to study or develop specific curriculum issues as needed to facilitate the work of the subcommittees.
    d.   Implement regular ongoing formal evaluation of the curriculum as specified in the CON evaluation plan.
    e.   Evaluate all undergraduate (UG) courses on a rotating schedule in order that all courses are reviewed every four (4) years.
    f.   Review and update CON policies under which UGCC is a responsible reviewing agency.
    g.   Review and approve requests for adding, deleting, and/or modifying individual courses.
  • To request a change in concepts and exemplars, faculty must follow the guideline and use the form provided in Appendix Y

3.    Membership:

    a.   Chair-elect, elected annually by voting members, serves one year as co-chair followed by one year as chair. All elected committee members are eligible to serve as chair-elect after one (1) year of service on the committee.
    b.   The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will consist of the following elected membership for three-year terms staggered so that two (2) members from same division are not replaced in same year:
1.   2 members from the Lincoln Division
2.   2 members from the Kearney Division
3.   2 members from the West Nebraska Division
4.   2 members from Omaha Division
5.   2 members from the Northern Division
6.   1 College of Nursing at-large member
    c.   The Associate Dean for Academic Programs, the Director of the Undergraduate Program, and the Director of Evaluation are ex-officio members.
    d.   One student from each division is appointed and directed by a committee member serving as student liaison.
    e.   Two non-voting clinical associates (representing urban and rural divisions) may be invited to participate annually by the College of Nursing.
    f.   Elected faculty may vote; ex-officio members and appointed members may not vote.

4.    Guidelines:

    a.   Meets one to two times a month during the academic year. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the chair.
    b.   Curriculum Decision:
Major decisions are operationally defined as decisions that were approved by committee and taken to the total General Faculty Organization for final approval or action. Major decisions include:
a.   Recommended changes in mission statement, philosophy, organizing framework, goals of the nursing program, overall curriculum plan and student outcomes and competencies.
b.   Change in course descriptions and outcomes
    1)   required nursing courses
    2)   elective nursing courses
c.   Approval of new courses
    1)   required nursing courses
    2)   elective nursing courses
d.   Approval/changes in policy related to:
    1)   RN-BSN or RN-MSN track
    2)   validation of nursing credit
    3)   non-nursing courses offered by the College of Nursing
    4)   non-nursing required courses
    5)   certificate programs
e.   Elimination of courses within the curriculum
    1)   required nursing courses
    2)   elective nursing courses
    3)   non-nursing required courses
    4)   certificate programs
f.   Changing a nursing elective to a required course.
g.   Changing credit allocation of required nursing and elective nursing courses.
h.   Changing prerequisites for required nursing courses.
i.   Changing the sequence (order) of the required nursing courses.
Minor decisions are operationally defined as decisions that are approved by the committee and are taken to the total General Faculty Organization for information but not decision-making.
Minor decisions include:
a.   Placement of content (classroom and clinical).
b.   Moving content (classroom and clinical) between courses/years.