CON Professional Graduate Nursing Program Grievance Procedure: Difference between revisions

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<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">'''University Day:''' The term “University Day” means a weekday on which the campus offices are open. Check the academic calendar on the campus website to determine the days on which the campus offices are closed. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">'''University Day:''' The term “University Day” means a weekday on which the campus offices are open. Check the academic calendar on the campus website to determine the days on which the campus offices are closed. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">'''Email Address of Record:''' The term “Email Address of Record” means the student’s University assigned email address. Because important notices may be sent to students by email, it is extremely important that students make sure they check that email regularly. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">'''Email Address of Record:''' The term “Email Address of Record” means the student’s University assigned email address. Because important notices may be sent to students by email, it is extremely important that students make sure they check that email regularly. </p>
===Appeals of Academic Evaluations ===
====Informal Appeal====
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            <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">Immediately after receiving a grade or evaluation which a student believes is unfair, the student should discuss the matter directly with the faculty member involved. Faculty and students reserve the right to record any meeting that discusses these topics or have a third-party present to take notes regarding the meeting, with both parties having given consent and are aware of the recording. Factors such as misinterpretation of scoring, mathematical calculation, or other factors should be objectively discussed so that both faculty and student conclude the discussion with an understanding of the nature of the issue at hand. </li>
            <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">After meeting with a student regarding a grade or evaluation challenge, faculty maintain the right to retain or change an evaluation.  </li>
            <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">After the meeting, if the student believes that an evaluation has been rendered in a prejudiced or capricious manner, the student may discuss the concern with their faculty advisor, specialty coordinator or program director. The role of faculty advisor, specialty coordinator, or program director is one of neutral objective information sharing and consultation. </li>
            <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">If no resolution is reached, the student will be referred to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs (ADAP).  </li>
            <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">If no resolution is reached in the meeting with the ADAP, the student will be counseled on the formal appeal procedure. The student may then seek a formal appeal of the evaluation. </li>
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