CON Faculty Workload Guidelines
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Faculty Workload Guidelines | Subsection: Appendix B2 | |
Section - Appendices | Originating Date: January 2006 | |
Responsible Reviewing Agency: Executive Council |
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General Principles
- The work of the College of Nursing (CON) is accomplished through the committed and collaborative activities of its Faculty which are based on the professional model and directed toward achievement of the College of Nursing mission, goals, and strategic plan.
- The work of the CON faculty includes teaching, scholarship, service, and practice as defined in the Standards for Promotion and Tenure for Academic Rank (Appendix A) or in the Standards for Promotion for Clinical Rank (Appendix A2).
- Consistent with the Promotion and Tenure documents faculty select their preferred roles based on rank. Work allocation is differentiated based on faculty role.
- Faculty are encouraged, in collaboration with their supervisor, to focus their professional development in two areas as consistent with the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines.
- The work of the CON faculty will fulfill the educational mission aligned with existing resources.
- The CON supports all forms of scholarship: research, practice/service and teaching scholarship defined as: generating new knowledge, translating knowledge, and disseminating knowledge to the professional community and the public.
- These guidelines are flexible and should be interpreted broadly, as the needs of individual faculty members, specific courses and projects, and those of the College will vary. The goal of this document is to provide a framework within which faculty members, their assistant deans, and associate deans and program directors collaborate to meet the College’s mission, support the strategic plan, and foster individual faculty growth, development, productivity, and success. Effort allocation guidelines are designed to promote the best faculty effectiveness available to meet the mission, goals and strategic directions of the College of Nursing.
- Faculty effort is communicated in relation to percentage of FTE. The full-time equivalent (FTE) percentage makes work assignments comparable across various contexts. An FTE of 1.0 means that the person is a full-time faculty member, while an FTE of 0.5 signals that the faculty member is only half-time or that a particular assignment will require half time work.
9 month faculty
80% teaching: usually 3 courses per semester or 24 clinical clock hours per week per semester
10% scholarship
10% service
Department Chairs or Division Deans and faculty may negotiate for an alteration in teaching based on the aforementioned workload considerations.
Scholarship is highly valued by the College and University. Faculty shoulder the responsibility to seek and bring in funding to support their scholarship, and they receive investment time for scholarship with the expectation that they will become funded for this effort. Tangible outcomes, such as funded grants and contracts and publications, are considered the return on investment. The following are examples of scholarship in the areas of teaching, practice, and research. These are consistent with P & T criteria.
Educational grants
Author of educational peer-reviewed publications on teaching innovations and/or evaluations
Text books and book chapters
Development of simulation activities
Regional, national, international presentations of learner-centered strategies and evaluation
Editor of an education journal
Development of evidence based guidelines
Program consultant
New course development and evaluation
Program development and evaluation
Writing test questions for national certification exams
Member of editorial boards of education journals
Inter-professional collaboration to develop new courses or learner-centered activities
Develop and/or pilot-test innovative use of technology in teaching
Develop innovations in clinical teaching and disseminate through peer reviewed publications and regional, national, or international presentations
Develop and publish practice guidelines/clinical pathways
Serve on regional, national, or international practice evaluation panels
Consultation to clinicians or agency administrators
Evaluation of practice outcomes and dissemination through peer reviewed publications and regional, national, or international presentations
Translate and evaluate research into practice
Develop disease state management protocols
Recipient of intramural and extramural funding
Demonstrate progression from small intramurally funded studies to extramural funding with dissemination of findings
Dissemination of research in peer reviewed journals, and at regional, national, & international meetings
Serve on editorial boards of research journals
Serve on national grant review panels (e.g., for national specialty organizations, private foundations, NIH)