Professional Graduate Nursing Student Academic Appeals

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Professional Graduate Nursing Student Academic Appeal and Grievance Policy Subsection: 5.3.12
Section 5.0 - Student Policies Originating Date: September 2013
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee
Associate Dean for Academic Programs

Related documents:
NU Student Code of Conduct
Non-discrimination and Harassment policy
Bylaws of BOR (chapter 5)
ANA Code of Ethics
Appendix W1 Professional Graduate Nursing Program Academic Appeals
Appendix W2 Professional Graduate Nursing Program Grievance Procedure
Graduate Student Grievance Resolution Procedures
Revised: November 2014
Revised: May 2015
Revised: May 2016
Revised: February 2019 (administrative)
Revised: March 2023


The College of Nursing (CON) is committed to providing all students with a learning environment that is safe, inclusive, and supportive of academic success. Students have the right to appeal academic evaluations in cases in which a student can provide evidence the academic evaluation was prejudiced or capricious. Students also have the right to file a grievance if faculty or staff demonstrate behavior that violates UNMC student policies or if they encounter conditions that adversely impact their ability to successfully complete their program of study.

This policy is for grievances with UNMC faculty or staff members. For grievances that are against non-UNMC faculty members, students are referred to the UNMC student policies item Graduate Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.


This policy applies to professional graduate students.


In accordance with Chapter 5 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and the ANA Code of Ethics and in order to ensure the protection of students' rights, the CON has established procedures which must be followed for appeals of academic evaluations and reports of grievances.

Academic Appeals





  1. Professional students should note that it is their responsibility to respect the highest level of privacy for patients, colleagues, and other members of the University community. Disclosure and discussion of confidential information obtained from University records or any health care agency where student’s may be assigned; either during or after enrollment, is not permitted unless such disclosure is a normal requirement of the student’s courses and has been authorized.
  2. This policy applies to students outside of work hours, even while using personal accounts as use of public social media reflects responsibility as a member of the University of Nebraska College of Nursing.
  3. Students must demonstrate professional and ethical conduct in all relationships when using social media.
  4. Computer and mobile devices must be encrypted and password protected. Each student is responsible for ensuring they are in accordance with University of Nebraska Medical Center guidelines outlined at Mobile Access
  5. Students may not reveal patients' health information, pictures, video, recordings of any kind or describe patient care events, even if patient names or other identifying information are not used on or through public social media sites.
  6. All allegations of violations of the Professional Code of Conduct will be thoroughly and appropriately investigated, without exception, and corrective action will be taken, including academic disciplinary action which may result in dismissal.

General Procedures for Student Discipline Actions

In accordance with Section 5.4 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and in order to insure the protection of students’ rights, the University of Nebraska Medical Center has established general procedures which must be followed if any disciplinary action is proposed against students. Students in the Professional Graduate Nursing Program will be informed in writing by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs of the College of Nursing of the specific charges, the supporting evidence, and the proposed disciplinary action. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs of the College of Nursing will also inform students of their right to appeal. The UNMC "Procedural Rules Relating to Student Discipline" may be found in the UNMC Student Handbook.

Graduate faculty, who hold graduate faculty status, will be appointed to serve on the Professional Graduate Nursing Program College of Nursing disciplinary appeals committee. The hearing board shall consist of at least three faculty members and two students. All members including the chair shall have a vote. Since the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Dean of the College of Nursing may hear appeals from the hearing board; they shall not be eligible to serve as a member of the board. Final decisions will be reported to the Chancellor of UNMC.

Academic Integrity and Professional Conduct

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has established a policy on academic integrity and professional conduct. This policy may be found in the UNMC Student Handbook. All students in the Professional Graduate Nursing Program are expected to adhere scrupulously to this policy. Cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism are viewed as serious matters and will lead to disciplinary action as described in the UNMC Student Handbook under Procedural Rules Relating to Student Discipline. Additional materials related to Responsible Conduct in Research can be found in the UNMC Student Handbook.