Selection and Use of Preceptors in Undergraduate Program

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Selection and Use of Preceptors in Undergraduate Program Subsection: 6.1.3
Section 6.0 - Facilities and Resources Originating Date: October, 1988
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Revised: January, 1995
Revised: April, 1999
Revised: September, 2002
Reviewed: February, 2004
Revised: October, 2008
Revised: May, 2012
Reviewed: November, 2012
J:/RESOURCE MANUAL/Table of Contents College of Nursing Resource Manual


A preceptor is an RN or other professional who has been identified as an expert with appropriate educational background and has agreed to assume negotiated responsibility for a student’s clinical/field experience.

  1. Students in all undergraduate programs may be assigned to preceptors to enhance their learning experiences.
  2. A faculty member is responsible for:
    1. Preceptor orientation and evaluation which should include:
      1. an overview of the roles and responsibilities of preceptors, faculty and students within the course
      2. specific preceptor responsibilities
      3. methods of clinical evaluation of students by faculty and preceptors.
      4. goals and objectives for the clinical experience
      5. process of resolution of potential/actual problems
      6. completion of semester course evaluation forms documenting preceptor’s credentials and other required information
      7. student and faculty evaluation of preceptor
    2. Guiding the student assigned to a preceptor to include facilitating, monitoring, and evaluating the student’ learning through periodic conferences and/or site visits with the student and preceptor.
  3. Criteria for Preceptor:


Faculty shall:

  1. Select an agency where:
    1. There is identified support from management for staff serving as preceptors.
    2. Criteria as specified in this policy are met.
  2. Validate that there is a current clinical agreement with the desired facility; if not, initiate the development process.
  3. Communicate with facility management and preceptors the student and faculty names. As appropriate, include the desired experiences, times and dates, expectations regarding supervision and evaluation by preceptor, faculty involvement and site visits, goals and objectives of the student if more specific than course objectives or if an independent study arrangement. Course/student objectives and evaluation instrument(s) should also be included.