CON Student Ratings of Instruction

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Home   Student Policies                    

Student Ratings of Instruction Subsection: 5.1.8
Section 5.0 - Student Policies Originating Date: January 1992
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs Committee
PhD Affairs Council
Revised: October 1998
Revised: February 2008
Revised: March 2011
Reviewed: December 2012 (changes)
Revised: August 2016 (changes)
Revised: May 2021 (changes)


  1. The purpose of the student ratings of instruction is to provide students an opportunity to have an impact on the quality of courses and instruction by:
    1. Providing anonymous feedback on what they considered to be strengths and areas for improvement of individual courses and instructors.
    2. Providing input to be included in the evaluation of courses, instructors and in the summative and formative evaluation of curriculum.
    3. Providing evaluative data for potential course revision.


All students have an opportunity to provide ratings of instruction for courses in which they are enrolled.


  1. Results of summative course evaluation will be provided to faculty after posting of course grades.
  2. Results are available to faculty when there are at least two student responses received.

Instructor Results

Student ratings of instructor results will be available to the instructor, faculty supervisor and to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.

Course Results

  1. Student ratings of course results will be available to the course faculty, faculty supervisor, the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, and to the program curriculum committee.
  2. Aggregate track and program results will be used by the College for program improvement and reports for external reviewing bodies.