CON Undergraduate/Professional Graduate Student Disciplinary Appeal

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Home   Student Policies                    

Undergraduate/Professional Graduate Student Disciplinary Appeal Subsection: 5.1.14
Section 5.0 - Student Policies Originating Date: May 1979
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Disciplinary Appeal Committee
Undergraduate Admission, Progression, Graduation & Scholarship/Grant Committee
Professional Graduate Nursing Affairs

Final Approving Agency:
General Faculty Organization
Revised: December 1992
Revised: October 2006
Revised: April 2016 (changes)
Revised: April 2020 (changes)
Related Documents:


  1. In conformity with the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, chapter V, Paragraph 5.0, 5.4, and 5.5, and the "UNMC Procedural Rules Relating to Student Discipline," and the "University Code of Conduct", and any subsequent related University of Nebraska UNMC policies or policy revisions, the Undergraduate/Professional Graduate Disciplinary Appeal Committee shall provide the mechanism for formal student appeal of any charge(s) or disciplinary action brought against the student. This applies to Undergraduate and Professional Graduate students. Ph.D. students will utilize the mechanism provided by the College of Graduate Studies.
  2. Such charges shall be defined as violation of law where the institution's interests are distinctly and clearly involved, violation of rules or regulations, disruptive or insubordinate behavior, or academic dishonesty. The student will be held responsible for her/his own actions according to what a reasonable prudent student would do or not do in a given situation.


  1. Students and faculty are referred to the current UNMC Student Policies Section entitled "Procedural Rules Relating to Student Discipline” for an explanation of the disciplinary appeal process, as well as delineation of specific student rights and responsibilities in the disciplinary appeal process.
  2. A nursing student involved in a disciplinary appeal shall maintain status as a student and retains the right to attend classes and/or clinical while any charge against the student is pending, unless, in the reasonable judgment of the Dean, the student's continued presence in classes constitutes immediate harm or the likelihood of immediate harm to the student or others. The student retains responsibilities regarding any funding, scholarship or grant related issues.