Guidelines - Science/Technology Committee

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Guidelines List | Forms | Procedures

According to the University of Nebraska Board of Regents Patent and Technology Transfer Policy RP-4.4.2 approved in November 2003, UNMC is required to establish a Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) for the review of new inventions. Each new invention is evaluated for the potential to obtain effective intellectual property protection, stimulate business interest, and contribute to economic development. STAC makes recommendations based upon these criteria to the UNMC Patent Administrator and the Vice Chancellor for Research, who have authority for decisions regarding intellectual property development, licensing and other technology transfer issues. STAC also may be called upon to make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research concerning the administration of RP-4.4.2 "Patent and Technology Transfer Policy" or Section 3.10 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents.

Science and Technology Advisory Committee Policy #7000