CON Disciplinary Appeal and Grievance Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization: Difference between revisions

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<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-alpha; margin-bottom:15px;">
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">The judgements of the DAGC and each hearing committee will be in conformity with the UNMC and CON policies.</li>
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">Disciplinary appeal hearings will be conducted according to the procedures in Appendix K.</li>
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">Grievance hearings will be conducted according to the procedures in Appendix C2.</li>
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">Hearing committee proceedings will be conducted confidentially.</li>
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">Each hearing committee will determine a faculty member to serve as chair.</li>
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">Each member of the DAGC will have one vote in the hearing committee decision.</li>
    <li style="margin-bottom:15px;">The committee will meet at least semiannually during the academic calendar year. </li>

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