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<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">t</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">As part of professional practice, it is recommended that the first course of action involve a discussion between the student and the student, faculty, or staff member to resolve the issue. All participants reserve the right to record any meeting that discusses these topics or have a third-party present to take notes regarding the meeting, with all parties having given consent and are aware of the recording.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">If discussion with the involved student, faculty, or staff member is not possible or is not effective, the student should discuss the issue with their faculty advisor, specialty coordinator, program director or staff supervisor.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">If no resolution is reached, the student will be referred to the division assistant dean.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">If that discussion does not resolve the issue, in accordance with the ANA Code of Ethics, Chapter 5 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, the University of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct and the UNMC Grievance Resolution Procedure and to ensure the protection of students' rights, students are provided a mechanism to document formal complaints and formal grievances. There will be no retaliation toward any student who files a formal complaint. If the student suspects that retaliation has occurred, the student should file a grievance. Any intentionally false accusations and/or misleading complaints against UNMC faculty, staff or other students will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">There are several types of mechanisms available to students depending on the nature of the complaint or grievance.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px; text-indent:3em;">'''Title IX:''' All allegations of sexual harassment, including sexual violence, for which the student wishes the University to officially acknowledge and investigate should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator or the Chief Student Affairs Officer. </p>
===Formal Complaints===
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">For student complaints that are not resolved through the initial steps delineated in Appendix C1 Student Complaint Procedure, students should submit the formal complaint via the form in the student success software system using the procedures delineated in Appendix C1 Student Complaint Procedure.</p>
===Formal Grievances===
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">For student grievances that are not resolved through the initial steps delineated in Appendix C2 Student Grievance Procedure, students should submit a formal grievance via the form in the student success software system using the procedures delineated in Appendix C2 Student Grievance Procedure.</p>

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