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<p style="margin-bottom:15px;">The purpose of the Syllabus Format Policy is to provide consistency across courses and campuses for course syllabi (paper or electronic). The syllabus is posted in full on a course’s Blackboard site under course information and will be printed and provided to every student enrolled in the course.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">In agreement with the Board of Regents Bylaw 4.1, the College of Nursing is required to “inform students concerning the requirements, standards, objectives and evaluation procedures at the beginning of each course.The syllabus serves as a formal record of course content in a consistent, summary format, and is used to disseminate information in a structured way for presentation to accrediting agencies, nursing boards, other academic institutions and working committees for use in course and program evaluation. All syllabi past and present are stored electronically. Syllabi must follow the guidelines and templates provided in Appendix X.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;">Items 1-8 below must appear in the order presented below; other items must be present but their order may vary from one course syllabus to another. These sections may also be augmented with additional information as appropriate. Sections that do not apply to the particular course need not be included in the syllabus.</p>
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