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[[Identification Card]] | [[Secure Area Card Access]] | [[Privacy/Confidentiality]] | [[Computer Use/Electronic Information]] | [[Retention and Destruction/Disposal of Private and Confidential Information]] | [[Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information]] | [[Notice of Privacy Practices]] | [[Access to Designated Record Set]] | [[Accounting of PHI Disclosures]] | [[Patient/Consumer Complaints]] | [[Vendors]] | [[Fax Transmissions]] | [[Psychotherapy Notes]] | [[Facility Security]] | [[Conditions of Treatment Form]] | [[Informed Consent for UNMC Media]] | [[Transporting Protected Health Information]] | [[Honest Broker]] | [[Social Security Number]] | [[Third Party Registry]]
[[Identification Card]] | [[Secure Area Card Access]] | [[Privacy/Confidentiality]] | [[Computer Use/Electronic Information]] | [[Retention and Destruction/Disposal of Private and Confidential Information]] | [[Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information]] | [[Notice of Privacy Practices]] | [[Access to Designated Record Set]] | [[Accounting of PHI Disclosures]] | [[Patient/Consumer Complaints]] | [[Vendors]] | [[Fax Transmissions]] | [[Psychotherapy Notes]] | [[Facility Security]] | [[Conditions of Treatment Form]] | [[Informed Consent for UNMC Media]] | [[Transporting Protected Health Information]] | [[Honest Broker]] | [[Social Security Number]] | [[Third Party Registry]] | [[Information Security Awareness and Training]] | [[Patient Privacy Investigations and Levels of Violation]] | [[Use and Disclosure of PHI for Training Health Care Professionals]] | [[Disclosures of PHI as Permitted or Required by Law]] | [[Disclosure of PHI for Law Enforcement Purposes]]
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Policy No.: '''6058'''<br />
Policy No.: '''6058'''<br />
Effective Date: '''03/17/03'''  
Effective Date: '''03/17/03''' <br />
Revised Date:<br />
Revised Date: '''10/28/22'''<br />
Reviewed Date:<br />
Reviewed Date:''' 04/22/24'''<br />
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<big>'''Notice of Privacy Practices Policy'''</big>  
<big>'''Notice of Privacy Practices Policy'''</big>  
== Basis for Policy == 
It is the policy of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) to use and disclose protected health information in accordance with [ Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)] requirements and [ University of Nebraska Executive Memorandum No. 27].
== Policy ==
UNMC shall maintain, distribute and post a Notice of Privacy Practices (Notice) in accordance with this policy. <br />
UNMC shall make a good faith effort to obtain a written acknowledgement of receipt of its Notice or document its good faith efforts to do so (and, if applicable, the reason why the acknowledgement was not obtained).<br />

NOTE: These guidelines are provided to assist UNMC workforce, including those in the patient treatment areas of the Munroe-Meyer Institute, the College of Medicine Optical Shop, the Lions Eye Bank and the College of Dentistry, as applicable, comply with HIPAA regulations. Those departments and clinics which fall under the jurisdiction of The Nebraska Medical Center and/or University Medical Associates should consult the policies and procedures of those entities for authoritative guidance.<br />
UNMC will provide a joint Notice and obtain the written acknowledgement on behalf of the Organized Health Care Arrangement (OHCA).
=== Basis for Policy ===  
===Notice of Privacy Practices (Notice)===
UNMC will adopt and follow a written Notice that meets the requirements of HIPAA’s Privacy Rule. The description of information practices, UNMC’s responsibilities and Individual rights contained in the Notice will govern UNMC’s conduct unless and until the Notice is revised and the revised Notice is posted and the updates are effective. Any revised Notice shall be made available to Individuals upon request. The Notice will be available in the following languages: [ English] and [ Spanish]. Other translations may be made available upon request.
It is the policy of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) to use and disclose protected health information in accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requirements and Executive Memorandum No. 27.<br />
===Revisions to Notice===
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If there is a material change to UNMC’s uses or disclosures of Protected Health Information (PHI), an Individual’s rights with respect to PHI, UNMC’s legal duties with respect to PHI, or other privacy practices stated in the Notice, UNMC will revise the Notice to reflect the change. The [ Privacy Officer] shall be responsible for implementing any changes to the Notice. UNMC will make any revised Notice available upon request on or after the effective date of the revision(s). The Privacy Officer shall retain copies of all versions of the Notice, and will substitute any revised Notice in all of UNMC’s postings and in all supplies made available at service delivery sites.
===Posting and Distribution===
=== Policy ===  
UNMC will post and distribute its Notice as follows:
*Except in emergency treatment situations (as described below), patient registration personnel shall provide the Notice to the Individual during the registration process. The Notice shall be provided no later than the date of first service encounter. If an Individual’s first service encounter is delivered electronically, such as via telehealth visit, an electronic version of the Notice will be delivered electronically via e-check in and thereafter in writing if the Individual requests a written copy.
Patients receiving treatment at UNMC shall receive the joint Notice of Privacy Practices that describes how Protected Health Information (PHI) about them may be used and disclosed and their rights regarding PHI.<br />
*The Notice is not required to be provided for subsequent encounters (other than upon an Individual’s request) if the current Notice was provided at an earlier encounter and such provision can be determined from documentation in the electronic medical record.
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*In emergency treatment situations (as determined by registration personnel), the Individual will be given the Notice as soon as reasonably practical after the emergency treatment situation.  Registration personnel shall attempt to provide the Notice during the next visit when the electronic health record field shows the Notice was not provided during the previous visit.
*UNMC will prominently post its Notice on its website and make the Notice available electronically through the website.
=== Definitions ===
*UNMC also will post the Notice in a clear and prominent location at service sites where it is reasonable to expect Individuals seeking services from UNMC to be able to read the Notice. The Privacy Officer will approve all posting locations.
*UNMC will maintain a supply of its current Notice at each service delivery site and provide copies of the Notice to Individuals upon request.
'''Direct Treatment''' – a treatment relationship in which the health care provider delivers care based on his/her own orders and typically provides services or products, or reports the diagnosis or results associated with the health care directly to the patient rather than through another health care provider (an indirect treatment relationship).
UNMC will make a good faith effort to obtain the Individual’s written acknowledgment of receipt of the Notice (whether in paper or electronic form), as follows:
'''Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)''' is a document notifying individuals receiving direct treatment at UNMC about the uses and disclosures of their PHI and their rights regarding PHI. The NPP shall be written in plain language and contain the following elements:<br />
*Except in an emergency treatment situation, UNMC shall obtain an Individual’s written acknowledgement of receipt of the Notice in the Conditions of Treatment form when the Notice is provided. 
*If UNMC is unable to obtain an Individual’s written acknowledgement, registration personnel shall document the good faith effort to obtain such acknowledgement and the reason why the acknowledgement was not obtained on the Conditions of Treatment form.
*If the Notice is delivered electronically, the Individual's acknowledgement of receipt of the Notice will be documented  in the electronic medical record.
*    A list of the covered entities and classes of service delivery sites the joint notice covers
*If UNMC distributes a revised Notice, it will follow the preceding steps to obtain written acknowledgment of receipt of the revised Notice. 
*    A description of uses and disclosures of PHI expected to be made without individual authorization
*    A statement that all other uses and disclosures would be made with the individual’s authorization and that the individual can revoke such authorization
UNMC will maintain the following documentation of the Notice and acknowledgment process:
*    Descriptions of the individual’s rights to request restrictions, inspect and copy PHI, amend or correct PHI, and receive an accounting of disclosures of PHI
*A copy of each Notice posted and distributed by UNMC and the effective date of each Notice.
*    Statements about the entities’ legal requirements to protect privacy, provide notice and adhere to the notice
*The delivery date of the Notice, whether in paper or electronic format, to each Individual.
*    A statement about how the individual would be informed of changes to the joint NPP
*Each written acknowledgment of receipt of the Notice(s) obtained, whether in paper or electronic format, from an Individual (or documentation of good faith efforts to obtain such written acknowledgement whenever such acknowledgment is not received).
*    Instructions on how to make complaints with UNMC or the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
===Indirect Treatment Relationships===
*    Name and telephone number of a contact person to answer questions regarding the NPP
The [ Privacy Officer], working with the department director, area manager or supervisor, may identify certain service sites, certain lines of business or certain encounters as being subject to the rules applicable to covered health care providers with indirect treatment relationships. In such cases, the Privacy Officer may approve protocols under which the distribution and acknowledgment requirements of this policy are waived as to encounters that are indirect treatment relationships.
*    The date the NPP is effective<br />
*Specimen account laboratory services shall be considered indirect treatment services.
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===Organized Health Care Arrangement (OHCA) ===
UNMC participates in an organized health care arrangement with the medical staffs of Nebraska Pediatric Practice, Inc. and University Dental Associates. Its Notice will be written as a joint Notice covering UNMC and the other participants in relation to their information practices at UNMC. 
'''Protected Health Information (PHI)''' is individually identifiable health information.  Health information means any information, whether oral or recorded in any medium, that:
== Definitions ==
* is created or received by UNMC; and
The person who is the subject of the PHI. Personal representatives of the Individual have the same rights as the Individual under HIPAA (i.e., they “step into the shoes” of the Individual). Personal representatives include the legal guardian and anyone else authorized by law to act on behalf of the Individual. (See Nebraska Medicine Consents and Permits policy, MS14.)
* relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of health care to an individual; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual.<br />
===Notice of Privacy Practices (Notice)===
A plain language notice of the uses and disclosures that UNMC may make of the Individual’s PHI, and the Individual’s rights and UNMC’s legal duties with respect to such PHI.
Records containing PHI, in any form, are the property of UNMC. The PHI contained in the record is the property of the individual who is the subject of the record.  
===Organized Health Care Arrangement (OHCA) ===
An arrangement among UNMC and members of the medical staff to follow certain common information practices with respect to clinical encounters at UNMC. The OHCA does not encompass the private office practice of participating practitioners or their information practices from other care settings.
For more information, see Notice of Privacy Practices Procedures or contact Sheila Wrobel, Privacy Officer.
===Personal Representative ===
A person who, under HIPAA or State law, is empowered to act or exercise rights on behalf of an Individual. (See Nebraska Medicine Consents and Permits policy, MS14.)
Notice of Privacy Practices Procedures /<br />
===Protected Health Information (PHI)===
Individually identifiable health information including demographic information, collected from an Individual, whether oral or recorded in any medium, that:
Notice of Privacy Practices /
*is created or received by UNMC/ACE; and
*relates to the past, present or future physical or mental health or condition of an Individual; the provision of health care to an Individual; or the past, present or future payment for the provision of health care to an Individual and identifies the Individual or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identify the Individual.
Notificación de Prácticas Para Asegurar su Privacidad  
PHI includes genetic information, which includes information about the following items (and excludes information about an Individual’s sex or age):
*an Individual’s genetic tests;
*the genetic tests of an Individual’s family members; or
*the manifestation of a disease or disorder in such Individual’s family members (i.e., family medical history).
PHI excludes:
*individually identifiable health information of a person who has been deceased for more than fifty (50) years.
*education records covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); and
*employment records held by UNMC in its role as employer.
==Additional Information==
*Contact the [ Privacy Officer]
*[ Notice of Privacy Practices]
*[ Notificación de Prácticas Para Asegurar su Privacidad]
*[ University of Nebraska Executive Memorandum No. 27]
*Nebraska Medicine’s Consents and Permits policy, MS14
*[ Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)]

This policy is a new UNMC Policy.<br />

This page Monday, February 16, 2004, by dkp.
This page maintained by [ mh].

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