Outside Employment

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Policy No.: 1049
Effective Date: 11/01/06
Revised Date: DRAFT 07/10/18
Reviewed Date: 07/10/18

Outside Employment Policy

Basis for Policy

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents Policies External Link (pages RP-95, 98-100) and the University of Nebraska Board of Regents Bylaws 3.4.5, state (in part):

Staff members employed on a part-time basis by the University, such as practicing lawyers or physicians, may engage in outside employment or activities unless it is expressly stipulated to the contrary in the conditions of employment.
Staff members employed by the University, other than those covered in the preceding paragraph, shall be encouraged to engage in professional activities outside the University as a means of contributing to the economic growth and development of the state as well as broadening their experience and keeping them abreast of the latest developments in their specialized fields; provided such activities do not interfere with their regular duties at the University, or represent a conflict of interest. Staff members may accept temporary or occasional employment for such professional services when such employment is recommended by the Dean of the college or director of the division involved and approved by the Chancellor or President, or their designees.


  1. The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) declares and affirms a policy that encourages employees to engage in professional activities outside UNMC as a means of broadening their experience and keeping them abreast of the latest developments in their specialized fields. Employees may be employed by other external organizations or at other institutions provided such activities do not interfere with their regular duties at UNMC or create a conflict of interest (see UNMC Policy No. 8010, Conflict of Interest).
  2. UNMC must be considered the employee’s primary employer. While the Outside Employment policy is not intended to restrict an employee’s personal rights, UNMC employment will take precedence in all matters involving work issues. Outside employment will not be considered a valid reason for absenteeism, tardiness, or poor job performance.
  3. Full-time Academic and Administrative and Managerial Professional Staff shall complete an Application for Authorization to Engage in Outside Professional Activity form prior to engaging in outside professional employment. Part-time Academic and Administrative and Managerial Staff are not required to complete the form. The electronic Application for Authorization to Engage in Outside Professional Activity is at [x Application for Authorization to Engage in Outside Professional Activity]. Outside employment approval is not required for United States based institutions of higher education, academic medical centers or governmental agencies.
  4. The Application shall be reviewed by supervisory personnel. Vice chancellors, deans, directors, and department chairs have primary responsibility for reviewing the specific nature of each proposed outside professional activity within their respective areas of responsibility. They may deny approval for any activity that would interfere with normal UNMC duties.
  5. Applications shall be forwarded to the Chancellor for final campus review. Applications requiring Board of Regents approval will be forwarded to Central Administration.
  6. Once final approval has been received, the Compliance Department shall retain the original form and provide copies to the department head and the applicant.

Additional Information

  • Compliance Department, 402-559-3784
  • UNMC Policy No. 8010, Conflict of Interest
  • [x Application for Authorization to Engage in Outside Professional Activity]

This page maintained by dkp.