CON Faculty Awards Process

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Home   Appendices                    

Faculty Awards Process and Guidelines Subsection: Appendix S
Section - Appendices Originating Date: May 2007
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Faculty Coordinating Council
Revised: March 2012
Related documents:


The Faculty Coordinating Council recommends that the seven current faculty awards process be implemented jointly by the FCC and selected Standing Committee of General Faculty Organization (GFO). The FCC would provide oversight of the awards process to include creating a timeline for the awards process (i.e, announcement dates, due dates) and coordination/consultation with the designated staff member assigned to prepare announcements, collect and collate applications, and distribute to appropriate committees. It is recommended that the past GFO Chair, or another FCC member who has interest, serve as the faculty awards contact person, coordinating with staff and the standing committees. FCC should determine the awards timeline by November of the academic year.

The standing committees who are responsible for an award (see below) will determine the process they want to use for reviewing applications and determining an award recipient. This may include a sub-committee or task force of the committee or the broader CON GFO membership, or a shared task force between more than one committee in the case of the teaching awards. The select standing committees are also responsible for meeting the designated timeline and coordinating with the designated FCC awards contact person.

Standing Committee Recommendations for Faculty Awards:
The Rosalee C. Yeaworth Teaching
Excellence Award
  UG Curriculum Committee & Professional Graduate Nursing Program Curriculum Committee
The Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award   UG Curriculum Committee & Professional Graduate Nursing Program Curriculum Committee
Pennie Z. Davis Faculty Research Award   Nursing Research Committee
Ada M. Lindsey Professional Service Award   Faculty Practice Committee
Kathyrn Sandahl Philp
Creativity & Innovation Award
  Faculty Coordinating Council
Donna Westmoreland Excellence
in Faculty Mentoring Award
  Faculty Coordinating Council
Spirit of Shared Governance Award   Faculty Coordinating Council