College of Nursing Faculty Policy Index

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Home   Faculty Policies   TBD   TBD   TBD   TBD   TBD

Rules of the Faculty Organization

  4.1   Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.1   Promotion and Tenure Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.2   Committee on Nominations Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.3   Nursing Research Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.4   Undergraduate Admission, Progression, Graduation & Scholarship/Grant Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.5   Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.6   Academic Review Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.7   Professional Graduate Nursing Program Admission, Progression, Graduation and Scholarship Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.8   Professional Graduate Nursing Program Curriculum Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.9   PhD Affairs Council Rules of the Faculty Organization
      4.1.10   Faculty Practice Committee Rules of the Faculty Organization

Faculty Policies/Guidelines

  4.2.3   Travel Authorization & Reimbursement
  4.2.4   Budget Implementation and Planning for Grant Applications
  4.2.5   Incident Report

Course Preparation

4.1.x      Name

4.1.x      Name

Faculty Positions/Appointments

4.1.x      Name

4.1.x      Name

4.1.x      Name

4.1.x      Name