CON Faculty Immunizations and CPR

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Faculty Immunizations and CPR Subsection: 4.2.12
Section 4.0 - Information Originating Date: May, 2002
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Executive Council
Faculty Coordinating Council;
Revised: October, 2002
Revised: October, 2003
Revised: February, 2008
Revised: November, 2008
Revised: November, 2012
J:/RESOURCE MANUAL/Table of Contents College of Nursing Resource Manual


Faculty who have direct contact with patients/clients/participants through clinical instruction, research or other related activities are required to have the following:

  1. Verification of current certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for health professionals (Basic Life Support for infant, child and adult one person/two person).
  2. Verification and documentation of current immunizations listed below:
    1. PPD for tuberculosis; annually unless individual tests positive. If test is positive, current CDC guidelines will be followed (
    2. INFLUENZA immunization annually.
    3. HEPATITIS B series of immunizations and/or adequate titer levels.
    4. TETANUS booster within the last 10 years (if agent available).
    5. PERTUSSIS 1x as an adult.
  3. Faculty who were born in 1956 or prior are generally considered immune to the following diseases, except for women who may become pregnant. Faculty from outside the United States who cannot provide evidence of immunization may be required to have titers drawn.

    Faculty born in 1957 or later need to have verification through immunization records, a titer showing immunity or history of the disease for the following:
    1. RUBELLA (German measles)
    2. RUBEOLA (Red measles)
    3. MUMPS
    4. POLIO
    5. VARICELLA (Chicken Pox)


Verification of current immunization status or a Request for Waiver of Faculty Immunization or CPR Requirements (Appendix M) is required at time of employment. Prior to each semester, division and department staff collect written documentation or waiver request forms and maintain these records in the unit.

Faculty may request a waiver from these requirements for medical or religious reasons; medical reasons require signature of a primary care provider on the waiver request form.