CON Guidelines For Suspected Breach of Professional Behavior: Difference between revisions

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<li>The student has 10 university days to respond in writing to the CON Conduct Officer’s letter either accepting the disciplinary decision or noting the student will participate in the disciplinary appeal.  </li>
<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-roman; margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>In the student's response and with the decision to participate in the disciplinary appeal, the student will also acknowledge any committee name in which there is any conflict.  </li>
<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-alpha; margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>If there is no conflict, the student is required to state: that all committee members are (or are not) acceptable and present no threat to the student in any way regarding fairness or impartiality.</li>
<li>If there is conflict, the student will include that rationale for the conflict. </li>

<li>CON Conduct Officer communicates the student's response within 5 University days of receiving it to:</li>
<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-alpha; margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>the faculty member bringing forward the charge. </li>
<li>the (ex-officio) UGA member to convene the selection of DHB members to be chosen.</li>
<li>CON Conduct Officer will create the agenda for the first meeting with the DHB to share the following information: </li>
<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-alpha; margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>A copy of the original documents sent to the student on the disciplinary action </li>
<li>Written notice from the student that all materials were received; confirming receipt by the student.</li>
<li>Written notice from the student that they will participate in the appeal process</li>
<li>Written notice from the student on any conflict with committee members </li>
<li>Any additional disciplinary action materials</li>
<li>Choosing a chair for the DHB chosen by the committee members</li>
<li>Identifying specific dates for the proceedings:  </li>
<ol style="max-width:67em margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>A date the student is notified of the names of DHB chair and selected committee members for the DHB.</li>
<li>A final date of submission for any and all documents from the student as well as identification and information on requested witnesses.  </li>
<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-alpha; margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>This submission must request to appear before the DHB.  </li>
<li>The final date of submission eliminates any further data to be submitted UNLESS reasonable discovery could not have been known.  </li>
<li>The projected date(s) of expected completion of review of the documents by the DHB</li>
<li>The date of the hearing with a minimum of 5 university day notice and the hearing is to be held no later than 30 university days after the notice was sent out.</li>
<li>The date that a decision is expected and the report due to the Conduct officer. This date should be within 10 university days of the conclusion of the hearing. </li>
<li>The date that the student will be notified of the decision</li>
<li>The CON Hearing Officer will communicate dates and deadlines to the student via university email.</li>
<li>The CON Hearing Officer may request deadline extensions in writing to the CON Conduct Officer </li>
<ol style="max-width:67em !important;list-style-type: lower-roman; margin-bottom:15px;">
<li>The CON Conduct Officer has the authority to grant extensions of no more than sixty (60) university days per extension if the CON Hearing Officer applies in writing for an extension within the first thirty (30) university day period due to circumstances that exist and warrant an extension of time.  More than one extension can be granted.  </li>
