CON Faculty Workload Guidelines: Difference between revisions

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<p style="max-width:70em !important;">A classroom course is allotted .067 FTE per credit. Therefore, a three credit course is assigned 20% effort.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">A classroom course is allotted .067 FTE per credit. Therefore, a three credit course is assigned 20% effort.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">If faculty team teaches a course, the FTE increments and work units will be divided by the number of faculty in the course.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">If faculty team teaches a course, the FTE increments and work units will be divided by the number of faculty in the course.</p>
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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Faculty may receive additional work units based on the following factors:</p>
<ol style="max-width:70em !important;">
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Class size -- for each section over 36 students, faculty may receive up to .05 FTE.</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Course coordinator role for a course with multiple sections and multiple instructors, add .10 FTE.</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Semester coordinator role, add up to .05 FTE.</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Committee Chair for PhD or DNP students: FTE = .025 per student per semester for up to four semesters or .10 or 10%; graduation semester = .10 FTE or 10%.  </li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Committee member for PhD/DNP students: FTE = .025 per student the semester they graduate.</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Teaching a course for the first time or development of a new course may receive additional FTE.</li>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">Participation in formal faculty mentoring programs may receive additional FTE.  Informal faculty mentoring is considered part of service.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">Other types of student advising are considered part of a faculty member’s service.  Similarly, independent study courses are considered part of service because such courses do not meet the minimum class sizes for regular courses and are highly variable depending upon negotiated agreements between faculty and students.  Faculty effort allocation may be negotiated if an independent study course results from providing a course needed by a small number of students to meet program requirements.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">Examples of calculating faculty effort for different types of courses are presented on the attached grid.</p>
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