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     <td colspan="2" valign="top">Related documents:<br /><div style="margin-left:3em; line-height:1.2;">Appendix A1 Standards and Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure for Academic Rank<br />Appendix A2 Standards and Guidelines for Promotion for Clinical Rank<br />Newhouse, R., Berry, D., Burson, R., Dorough, C., Johnson, B., McSweeney, J., Pereira, K., Swanson, K., Thompson, P., Vitello, J., McGuinn, K., Garcia, R. (2018). Defining scholarship for academic nursing;<br />AACN Position Statement.<br />Board of Regents bylaws<br />Boyer, E. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Princeton, NJ: Carnegie
     <td colspan="2" valign="top">Related documents:<br /><div style="margin-left:3em; line-height:1.2;">4.4.8 Specialty Coordinator for Professional Graduate Track<br />Appendix A1 Standards and Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure for Academic Rank<br />Appendix A2 Standards and Guidelines for Promotion for Clinical Rank<br />Newhouse, R., Berry, D., Burson, R., Dorough, C., Johnson, B., McSweeney, J., Pereira, K., Swanson, K., Thompson, P., Vitello, J., McGuinn, K., Garcia, R. (2018). Defining scholarship for academic nursing;<br />AACN Position Statement.<br />Board of Regents bylaws<br />Boyer, E. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Princeton, NJ: Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.</div></td>
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.</div></td>
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teaching and/or practice missions commensurate with the FTE effort that had been allocated.</p>
teaching and/or practice missions commensurate with the FTE effort that had been allocated.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">The following are examples of scholarship in the areas of teaching, research, and practice. These are consistent with promotion & tenure (P&T) criteria.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">The following are examples of scholarship in the areas of teaching, research, and practice. These are consistent with promotion & tenure (P&T) criteria.</p>
<p>Examples of teaching scholarship may include:</p>
<ul style="max-width:67em !important;">
<ul style="max-width:67em !important;">
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Educational grants</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Receipt of intramural/extramural educational grants</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Author of educational peer-reviewed publications on teaching innovations and/or evaluations</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Author of educational peer-reviewed publications on teaching innovations and/or evaluations</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Text books and book chapters</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Edit, review, or author textbooks and book chapters</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Development of simulation activities</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Development of simulation activities</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Regional, national, international presentations of learner-centered strategies and evaluation</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Regional, national, international presentations of learner-centered strategies and evaluation</li>
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     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Writing test questions for national certification exams</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Writing test questions for national certification exams</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Member of editorial boards of education journals</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Member of editorial boards of education journals</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Inter-professional collaboration to develop new courses or learner-centered activities</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Inter-professional collaboration to develop new courses or learner-centered
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop and/or pilot-test innovative use of technology in teaching</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop and/or pilot-test innovative use of technology in teaching</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve in leadership roles in state/regional/national organizations with education focus</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on state/national/regional education committees, panels, task forces, etc.</li>
<p>Examples of research scholarship may include:</p>
<ul style="max-width:67em !important;">
<ul style="max-width:67em !important;">
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Recipient of intramural and extramural funding</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Recipient of intramural and extramural research grants</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Demonstrate progression from small intramurally funded studies to extramural funding with dissemination of findings</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Dissemination of research in peer reviewed journals, and at regional, national, & international meetings</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Dissemination of research in peer reviewed journals, and at regional, national, & international meetings</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on editorial boards of research journals</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on editorial boards of research journals</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on national grant review panels (e.g., for national specialty organizations, private foundations, NIH)</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on national grant review panels (e.g., for national specialty organizations, private foundations, NIH)</li>
<p>Examples of practice scholarship may include:</p>
<ul style="max-width:67em !important;">
<ul style="max-width:67em !important;">
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop innovations in clinical teaching and disseminate through peer reviewed publications and regional, national, or international presentations</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Recipient of intramural and extramural practice related grants</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop innovations in clinical teaching and disseminate through peer reviewed
publications and regional, national, or international presentations</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop and publish practice guidelines/clinical pathways</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop and publish practice guidelines/clinical pathways</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on regional, national, or international practice evaluation panels</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Serve on regional, national, or international practice evaluation panels</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Consultation to clinicians or agency administrators</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Consultation to clinicians or agency administrators</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Evaluation of practice outcomes and dissemination through peer reviewed publications and regional, national, or international presentations</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Evaluation of practice outcomes and dissemination through peer reviewed
publications and regional, national, or international presentations</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Translate and evaluate research into practice</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Translate and evaluate research into practice</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop disease state management protocols</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Develop disease state management protocols</li>

<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Professional service is important to the university and community. Faculty are asked to participate in service activities at about 20% of FTE. As rank progresses from assistant, associate, to full professor, the level of service changes; for example, one progresses from a task force within the College to higher level University service and from a committee member to committee chair.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">The role of Specialty Track Coordinator will receive 0.20 FTE (120 clock hours/semester). Please see Policy 4.4.8 Specialty Coordinator for Professional Graduate Track.</p>
<p>The following are examples of service activities:</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">College Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, Directors, and Program Coordinators will
receive the FTE designated for the role.</p>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Committees within the CON or University</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Professional service to community groups</li>
===3.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Effort Calculation information===
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Service to local, regional, national, international professional organizations</li>
    <li style="text-indent:1em;">Holding a leadership position in a professional organization</li>
====<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Effort Calculation information</span>====
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for calculating effort per semester:
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for calculating effort per semester:
           <ul style="max-width:70em !important;">
           <ul style="max-width:70em !important;">
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">The unit for calculating teaching work assignment is the FTE.</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">The unit for calculating teaching work assignment is the FTE.</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Faculty teaching effort is calculated each semester. </li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Example: 0.2 FTE = 120 clock hours per semester
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Faculty in the CON may negotiate a reduction in teaching work assignment beyond what has been allocated within the faculty preferences and role differentiation recommendations. Final determination of teaching assignment is at the discretion of the supervisor and is based on scholarly activities such as demands of a program of scholarship (grant proposal development--research, practice & teaching grants), manuscript preparation, work requirements for special teaching projects, planned reimbursed practice, pilot projects and service projects. This is typically highly individualized, so an exact recommendation is not practical; FTE reductions for scholarship would be based on FTE determination.</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Funding for scholarship and practice activities are subtracted from a 100% teaching assignment.  For example, a faculty member funded for one day of practice each week is allocated 20% effort for that practice.  A faculty member funded for 20% time on a grant is allocated 20% effort for the grant.  Additional effort for scholarship and practice may be possible, depending on the nature of the need and available faculty resources.</li>
                        <li>0.025 FTE = 15 clock hours per semester</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">All faculty engaged in service are also allotted FTE for service, with 20% typically the maximum allotment.</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Faculty teaching effort is based on a 15- week semester.</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Faculty can renegotiate FTE distribution based on new developments.</li>
               <li style="text-indent:1em;">Scholarship (in teaching, research, professional service) and teaching activities are all considered in total FTE.</li>
<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FTE for classroom teaching</span></p>
====3.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for classroom teaching====
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">A classroom course is allotted .067 FTE per credit. Therefore, a three credit course is assigned 20% effort.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">A classroom course is allotted 0.067 FTE per credit. Therefore, a 3- credit course is assigned as 0.20 FTE or 20% effort.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">If faculty team teaches a course, the FTE increments and work units will be divided by the number of faculty in the course.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Total FTE allocated for a course will be divided among faculty based on percentage of course taught by each faculty.</p>
====3.1.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Additional FTE may be assigned based on the following factors:====
<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Faculty may receive additional work units based on the following factors:</span></p>
<ol style="max-width:70em !important;">
<ol style="max-width:70em !important;">
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Class size &mdash; for each section over 36 students, faculty may receive up to .05 FTE.</li>
     <li>Class size for each additional section over 50 students, the course may receive up to 0.05 FTE per additional section. This is added to the course effort FTE and divided among all faculty teaching the course.</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Course coordinator role for a course with multiple sections and multiple instructors, add .10 FTE.</li>
     <li>Course coordinator role receives 0.05 FTE per course.</li>
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Semester coordinator role, add up to .05 FTE.</li>
     <li>Cross campus coordinator role may be one of the following and receives 0.025 FTE
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Committee Chair for PhD or DNP students: FTE = .025 per student per semester for up to four semesters or .10 or 10%; graduation semester = .10 FTE or 10%. </li>
    <ol type="a" style="max-width:70em !important;">
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Committee member for PhD/DNP students: FTE = .025 per student the semester they graduate.</li>
          <li>Courses taught across multiple campuses for example, accelerated,
     <li style="text-indent:1em;">Teaching a course for the first time or development of a new course may receive additional FTE.</li>
          <li>Coordinating course consistency (syllabus, exams, call meetings etc) for courses
taught locally on individual campuses.</li>
    <li>Semester coordinator role receives.025 FTE.</li>
    <li>Teaching a course for the first time or development of a new course may receive additional .05 FTE. Mentoring of new faculty in the coordinator role may receive .025 FTE.</li>
     <li>Committee chair for PhD = 0.025 FTE per semester and final semester FTE = 0.05.</li>
     <li>Service as a dissertation committee member or chair on dissertations outside the CON will count toward service.</li>
    <li>DNP project advisor = 0.025 FTE per project group per semester.</li>
     <li>Committee members for PhD count as service.</li>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Participation in formal faculty mentoring programs may receive additional FTE.  Informal faculty mentoring is considered part of service.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Student advising is considered part of a faculty member’s service. Similarly, independent study courses are considered part of service because such courses do not meet the minimum class sizes for regular courses and are highly variable depending upon negotiated agreements between faculty and students. Faculty effort allocation may be negotiated if an independent study course results from providing a course needed by a small number of students to meet program requirements.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Other types of student advising are considered part of a faculty member’s service. Similarly, independent study courses are considered part of service because such courses do not meet the minimum class sizes for regular courses and are highly variable depending upon negotiated agreements between faculty and students. Faculty effort allocation may be negotiated if an independent study course results from providing a course needed by a small number of students to meet program requirements.</p>
====3.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for Clinical Teaching====
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Examples of calculating faculty effort for different types of courses are presented on the attached grid.</p>
====3.2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for face-to-face clinical supervision====
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">FTE’s are assigned 0.10 FTE per credit hour for face-to-face clinical supervision. Thus, a 3-credit hour direct clinical supervision course would receive 30% or 0.3 FTE (180 clock
<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FTE for face-to-face clinical supervision</span> (includes time spent in making assignments, pre- and post-conferences, evaluation, planning, etc.)</p>
hours). A single section in face-to-face clinical is considered to be a group of 8-10 students.
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">FTE are assigned based on credit hours. Thus, a 3 credit hour direct clinical supervision course would receive 30% or .3 FTE. A single section is considered to be a group of 8-10 students. Simulations are considered direct clinical supervision courses.</p>
Time spent in simulations and skills labs is included in the FTE allocated for the clinical. Health
assessment lab clinical supervision is assigned 0.10 per credit hour for 14-16 students.</p>

<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FTE for Dedicated Education Unit supervision</span></p>
====3.2.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for Dedicated Education Unit supervision====
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">FTE’s are assigned at 10% per credit hour for DEU supervision. As an example, a 3 credit clinical course would receive 30% faculty effort allocation for supervision of 14-16 students.</p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">FTE’s are assigned at 0.10 per credit hour for DEU clinical supervision. Thus a 3- credit hour DEU clinical model would receive 30% or 0.30 FTE (180 clock hours). A single section is considered to be a group of 14-16 students.</p>

<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FTE for preceptored clinical supervision </span> (includes organizing, coordinating, mentoring, scheduling, evaluation, planning the clinical, and OSCEs):</p>
====3.2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FTE for preceptor clinical supervision====
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">FTE are assigned slightly less than face-to-face clinical supervision, with 3 credits of precepted clinical supervision equal to .10 FTE.  A clinical coordinator for a course with multiple sections may receive .10 FTE.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">FTE are assigned at 0.10 FTE per 180 hours of precepted clinical hours. A single section is considered a group of 10 students at the undergraduate level.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">For APRN clinical credit assignments, faculty effort is calculated based on 6 students per clinical group. The faculty-student ratio will not normally exceed 1:6 for precepted clinical experiences, except in situations where faculty feel a slightly higher ratio is justified, such as for more advanced students where a 1:8 ratio might be considered.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">For APRN clinical assignments, faculty effort is 0.10 per semester (60 clock hours per semester). A single section is considered to be a group of 6-8 students.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">FTE allocations for clinical assignments include skills labs, course simulations, and Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs) for all programs.</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SERVICE EFFORT CALCULATIONS</span></p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">Faculty at the CON are expected to be involved in service-related activities that benefit the CON, UNMC, or the profession. Faculty members are allocated 10-20% effort for service. An exception to this policy is made for new Assistant Professors who are research productive.</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PRACTICE WORKLOAD CALCULATIONS</span></p>
<p style="max-width:70em !important;">Practice is considered with professional service in the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines. The CON supports all types of faculty practice for purposes of teaching, maintaining credentialing and scholarship. The most desired models of practice are CON reimbursed practice, as this provides the opportunity for practice time to contribute to the resources of the CON and engages faculty fully in practices addressing the full range of reimbursement and billing issues.  A faculty practice of one day per week is allocated 20% time per semester.  If additional time is needed for documentation, on-call, or care coordination, that is included in the negotiations with the practice agency so the time is reimbursed.  Faculty have the privilege of engaging in outside work up to 16 hours per month according to the Board of Regents bylaws (Outside Employment Policy #1049). Such work is outside the faculty effort allocation guidelines, but per university policy, it is expected that faculty members complete the Outside Employment Form and submit it to their supervisor.</p>
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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SCHOLARSHIP EFFORT</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Scholarship is defined broadly in the College of Nursing, using Boyer’s  model as the framework for the types of scholarship that contribute to achieving the College’s mission.  Thus, scholarship includes the scholarship of discovery, dissemination, application, and integration.  An ongoing record of research and scholarship (external dissemination of project results, writing grants and manuscripts) is required of active research faculty to attain tenure. Active research faculty generally may be allocated 40% FTE to engage in scholarship activities which will be negotiated annually based on productivity.  Faculty focused on the scholarship of dissemination, application, and integration also are expected to advance understanding of these areas through original, creative work.  Faculty are responsible for seeking and bringing in funding to support their scholarship. Tangible outcomes, such as funded grants and contracts and publications, are considered examples of productivity. It is an expectation that faculty with active programs of scholarship will establish annual goals with specific outcomes for their continued FTE effort. After the first three years of employment, faculty members who are research active are expected to have research time reimbursed by grant funding, or to negotiate with their assistant dean if they need time to write grant proposals.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Faculty members with funded grants may have their teaching or service assignments further reduced commensurate with funded grant responsibilities, although this depends on productivity and work that is planned and needed. To illustrate, a faculty member with a 25% effort funded by a research grant will be allocated 25% of his or her 100% work assignment for the grant.  He or she may negotiate for a reduction in teaching or service load to supplement the time funded by the grant, depending on needs related to the grant and College needs related to teaching effort.  Any additional reduction in teaching or service will end when the grant funding ends.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">Doctorally-prepared faculty, not wishing to participate in scholarship activities or not meeting their expected scholarship goals, will allocate their effort to the teaching and/or practice missions commensurate with the FTE effort that had been allocated.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px;max-width:70em !important;">New PhD Faculty coming in at the rank of Assistant Professor will be given a reduced teaching assignment (e.g. additional 20% FTE reduced assignment) for the first three years depending on available budgetary resources with the expectation of yearly progress towards funding and publications.</p>
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<p><sup>i</sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>Boyer, E.  (1991).  <em>Scholarship Reconsidered</em>: Priorities of the Professoriate.  Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.</small></p>

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