| <p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">The undergraduate semester coordinator meets regularly and/or as needed to coordinate curriculum implementation with course coordinators within the semester, and with the semester coordinators within the division. Each semester coordinator provides information regarding the curricular, teaching and student issues to the assistant deans, undergraduate program director, and other administrators as needed. The semester coordinator facilitates information exchanges and the development of a positive working environment among faculty teaching in that semester. S/he coordinates planning meetings for the semester teaching team as needed and mentors new team members and/or graduate assistants.</p> | | <p style="max-width:70em !important; margin-bottom:15px;">The role of the undergraduate cross campus coordinator is to gather data from all five divisions for agendas for meetings, lead meetings, ensure that minutes are taken, and submit revised generic syllabus. The cross campus coordinator attends meetings called by the undergraduate program director as appropriate.</p> |