CON Promotion for Clinical Rank

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Promotion for Clinical Rank Subsection: 4.4.6 (2)
Section 4.0 - Faculty Policies Originating Date: March 2011
Responsible Reviewing Agency:
Promotion and Tenure Committee
Faculty Coordinating Council
General Faculty Organization

Related Documents:
Appendix A2 Standards and Guidelines for Promotion for Clinical Rank
Revised: February 2013
Revised: May 2015
Revised: November 2018
Revised: December 2023 (changes)


Establishes standards for making all recommendations on clinical rank promotion.


Applies to faculty with a masters or doctorally prepared faculty members holding a special appointment.


  1. Promotion in clinical rank is available for masters or doctorally prepared faculty members with a Special Appointment (SA). Those with a master's degree in nursing and limited academic experience will start at the rank of clinical instructor; exceptions can be made for those with outstanding experience. The highest rank possible for the masters prepared individual is a clinical assistant professor. The highest rank possible for the doctoral prepared individual is a clinical professor.
  2. If an individual has a clinical rank appointment and wishes to seek an appointment on an academic rank, the individual will need to request a change from a clinical rank appointment to an appointment on the academic rank given the individual's accomplishments align with their current rank in the academic appointments. Consideration of transfer between ranks represents a major career decision and is pursued only after serious consideration of the implications of such a change, and careful deliberation between the faculty member and appropriate division assistant dean. If mutually agreeable, a one-time transfer is allowed between a clinical rank appointment and an academic rank appointment.
  3. The College of Nursing shall promulgate written standards which shall be used in making all recommendations on clinical rank promotion. The standards are applicable for faculty with a masters or doctorally prepared faculty members holding a Special Appointment in the College of Nursing.
  4. The College of Nursing Promotion and Tenure Committee establishes Standards and Guidelines for Promotion for Clinical Rank (Appendix A2). The College of Nursing has established submission deadlines. Submission dates and all necessary documents are posted on the College of Nursing Promotion and Tenure page.
  5. College of Nursing Promotion and Tenure Committee will function as the peer review committee. The committee functions include: assure complete and accurate documentation of the candidate's accomplishments; assessing the merits of the candidate's accomplishments in relation to the standards of promotion for clinical rank; and advise the dean in writing regarding the promotion recommendation.
  6. The College of Nursing Promotion and Tenure Committee solicits external reviews of applicants for promotion. Applicants must indicate whether they waive or retain their right of access to review letters. The External Letters of Review Waiver form indicating the applicant's decision regarding access to external reviews must be signed before letters are solicited. Refer to College of Nursing Promotion and Tenure website.
  7. After review by the Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Committee, the committee chair will notify the candidate and the dean in writing of the P&T Committee recommendations.

Appeal of Committee Decision

To appeal the Promotion and Tenure Committee’s actions, a letter stating why the decision was capricious, arbitrary or prejudiced must be submitted to the dean within 15 working days after receiving written notification of the denial from the committee. The dean will review all submitted materials, and may meet with the Promotion and Tenure Committee or request additional review of the documents before rendering a decision. The dean’s decision to deny promotion will be considered final.