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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:33, June 27, 2024 4 2 7 Annual Faculty Activity Review form 2024 06.docx (file) 61 KB Form updated and moved to policy 4.2.7. 1
16:23, January 23, 2024 5 3 6 Agreement to Complete 2024 01.docx (file) 57 KB Contract associated with policy 5.3.6. 1
14:23, November 30, 2023 5 2 1 Technical Standards Form 2023 11.docx (file) 22 KB Downloadable form for policy 5.2.1. Formerly incorporated into body of the policy. 1
16:51, September 16, 2023 4 2 12 Request for Waiver of Faculty Immunizations or CPR Requirements Form 2023 09.docx (file) 23 KB   1
12:46, August 2, 2023 Appendix H New Undergraduate Course Proposal Form.docx (file) 28 KB Downloadable form for Appendix H 1
14:15, January 28, 2023 Appendix B Annual Faculty Activity Review form 2023 01.docx (file) 39 KB Downloadable annual faculty activity review form. 1
16:35, September 6, 2022 FPF Application effective 2022.docx (file) 29 KB Downloadable faculty practice fund application 1
12:20, February 8, 2021 Appendix B Annual Faculty Activity Review form 2020 11.docx (file) 35 KB   1
13:09, March 11, 2019 Evacuation plan CNS Building.pdf (file) 2.27 MB   1
13:08, March 11, 2019 Evacuation plan CON Building.pdf (file) 412 KB   1
13:23, March 26, 2018 Appendix T Practice Signature Page Fillable.pdf (file) 52 KB   1
12:51, March 22, 2018 Arrow right horizontal.png (file) 3 KB   1
12:50, March 22, 2018 Arrow down vertical.png (file) 3 KB   1
13:50, March 5, 2018 Appendix X1 UG Syllabus Template.docx (file) 38 KB   3
17:00, February 5, 2018 Arrow-right.png (file) 4 KB   1
16:59, February 5, 2018 Arrow-left.png (file) 4 KB   1
16:07, July 24, 2017 Appendix B Annual Faculty Activity Review.docx (file) 102 KB   3
14:36, June 13, 2017 4 4 4 Volunteer Faculty Appointments Volunteer Faculty Review Form 2017 05.docx (file) 25 KB   1
14:35, June 13, 2017 4 4 4 Volunteer Faculty Appointments Volunteer Faculty Hire Form 2017 05.docx (file) 28 KB   1
15:08, May 31, 2017 Appendix Z1 DEA Certification Licensure Reimbursement Application Form 2017 05.docx (file) 19 KB   1
15:00, May 31, 2017 Appendix Z2 Project Award-Faculty Practice Funds Application Form 2017 05.docx (file) 22 KB   1
14:44, May 31, 2017 Appendix Z3 Conference CEU Award-Faculty Practice Funds Application Form 2017 05.docx (file) 19 KB   1
14:57, May 9, 2017 Appendix Y Form Concepts Exemplar 2017 05.docx (file) 19 KB   1
11:25, March 13, 2017 CON Policy Change Request Template.docx (file) 261 KB   1
15:18, February 17, 2017 Appendix B Annual Faculty Activity Review 2016 12.docx (file) 104 KB   1
17:33, January 13, 2017 UNePlanLogo.jpg (file) 43 KB   1
14:19, December 23, 2016 Appendix X3 PhD Syllabus Template.docx (file) 32 KB   2
14:19, December 23, 2016 Appendix X2 PG Syllabus Template.docx (file) 31 KB   2
14:02, March 7, 2016 Con wiki icon.png (file) 16 KB   1
14:02, March 7, 2016 Con adobe acrobat icon.png (file) 32 KB   1
16:49, March 4, 2016 Annual Faculty Self-Evaluation Form.docx (file) 34 KB   1
14:29, February 10, 2016 Outlook3.png (file) 4 KB   1
14:29, February 10, 2016 Outlook2.png (file) 67 KB   1
14:29, February 10, 2016 Outlook1.png (file) 25 KB   1
14:42, October 29, 2015 Guidelines for Blackboard Use and Support.pdf (file) 43 KB   2
15:06, August 10, 2015 CON Policy Flowchart.pdf (file) 396 KB   1
15:35, January 20, 2015 Admin Org Chart Revision 12-4-14.pdf (file) 123 KB   1
13:28, December 17, 2014 CON Vacation and Other Leave Request Guidelines.pdf (file) 3.4 MB   1
12:50, August 22, 2014 Administrative Organization Structure.pdf (file) 122 KB   2
16:59, March 6, 2014 KlingensmithReport 022014.pdf (file) 1.6 MB University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Faculty Practice Initiative 1
11:53, January 10, 2014 Clinical Faculty Handbook rev AUG 14 2013.pdf (file) 174 KB   1
17:06, January 9, 2014 Strategic Planning for CON 2014 8-1-13.pdf (file) 226 KB   1
16:36, January 9, 2014 Mouse.jpg (file) 8 KB   1
16:25, November 25, 2013 UNMC Transmittal Form For Recommending Clinical Promotion.doc (file) 54 KB   1
16:24, November 25, 2013 External Letters of Review Waiver for Faculty Promotion.doc (file) 80 KB   1
16:24, November 25, 2013 Contact Information for External Reviewer Form for Clinical Rank Promotion.doc (file) 82 KB   1
17:07, November 18, 2013 External Letters of Review Waiver for Faculty Promotion or Tenure.docx (file) 62 KB Attached form for Appendix A1 1
16:47, November 18, 2013 External Letters of Review Waiver for Faculty Promotion and Tenure.docx (file) 62 KB   1
16:46, November 18, 2013 Contact Information for External Reviewer Form for Academic Rank Promotion and Tenure.docx (file) 62 KB   1
16:08, October 2, 2013 CON Student Treatment Agreement.doc (file) 28 KB For Appendix I 1
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